Thursday, 31 December 2015

New Years Evolution

It's December 31st, 2015.  A day of champagne, fireworks, kisses and (unkept) promises. So many people wake up on January 1st with a sore head and a list of resolutions, which usually don't make it to January 7th.  According to the Oxford Dictionary, to make a resolution is to make a firm decision to DO or NOT DO something.  Now, if you ask me, as human beings making any sort of firm decision will usually result in the complete opposite of what we intended. 

'I resolve to eat less carbs' - eats left over Christmas pudding for breakfast

'I resolve to exercise more' - doesn't wear trainers till March 2020

'I resolve to be more sociable' - declines invitation to friend's birthday drinks because its on a Tuesday night (hellooo,'s a school night!) 

Any way, you get the point.  Ever since we were children, most of us wanted to do what we were told NOT to do, and vice versa.  So instead of making New Years Resolutions, I've decided to embark upon January 1st (and every day after that) as a New Year Evolution. 

Now, Oxford's definition of evolution is the gradual development of something.  I like that. I like the thought of gradually developing and evolving as a person.  Is that not what we were put here to do? To grow? 

The happiest people are those who are always looking to learn more, understand more, do better, meet more people.  Developing as a person is fulfilling. Part of the fun in life is the unexpected, and from each unexpected occurrence we can grow and flourish. I'm not saying sell all your belongings and travel the world with only a back pack (unless of course, you want to), but people need to start appreciating change and thriving from it.  Remember, in the Animal Kingdom, evolution is essential.  Only the strong survive, and without adapting to the environment and circumstances, they perish.  If only humans considered life in the same way, far too many of us are stuck in our comfort zones, unwilling to accept what's actually going on.  If more people decided to make changes and grow, the world would most definitely be a better place! 

Take every day as it comes, try your hardest (always), and be kind to those who deserve it and those who need it. I've said this so many times before, but life is far to short to worry about eating less carbs, exercising more, or worrying whether people think you're a hermit or not.  Do what makes you happy, and do what makes you feel achieved and successful in your own right.  

So, as the clock counts down to January 1st, think of how you are going to make 2016 the best year yet.  Imagine where you want to be this time next year, and work towards it every. single. day. And if where you thought you wanted to be changes, then cool, embrace it!  Life's all about adapting and evolving.  

Here's to a fabulous 2015, and an even better 2016! Happy New Year! Cheers! 

V x

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Say No To Christmas Kilos!

Aaaaaah Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year.  Not necessarily for our waistlines or healthy habits, but it's great for the soul.  Bring on a month of festivities, jolliness, mince pies, Quality Street and celebrations. But Christmas doesn't have to put a strain on the waistline of your favourite pants.  Adopting a healthy approach to Christmas Time will help keep the kilos at bay, so you can start the new year happy and healthy! 

Get Moving

One great thing about Christmas holidays is the time off work.  Not worrying about getting to your desk by 9am means that you have more time to spend on yourself.  Get up and get moving, it doesn't have to be anything intense, but it is essential that you get the blood pumping at this time of year! Perhaps a jog with friends, or a yoga class with your mum.  Whatever it is, make it a priority to do something every day over the festive season.  Not only will your body thank you for it, but those endorphins will mean that your festive spirit will be at an all time high! 

Eat Mindfully - The One Item Rule

OK, here's the thing.  The festive season releases everyone's inner Martha Stewart. My mum recently baked SIX DOZEN mince pies! And that was the second batch!! Everything gets a little sweeter during the festive season, but this doesn't mean we have to become Grinches and turn our nose up to every delicious treat. Try and stick to the One Item Rule.  By this, I mean sticking to just ONE mince pie, or ONE sausage roll at your work Christmas party.  Canapés are delicious but beware of over-indulging, as the calories will add up.  If you're planning on having a big meal over dinner time, or attending a party with plenty of treats, eat mindfully for the rest of the day. Stick to lean protein and plenty of veggies, there will be no need to feel guilty when you enjoy your festive feast.  

And one other thing...when it comes to Christmas Dinner, remember the rule - one healthy meal won't make you healthy, just like one naughty meal will make you unhealthy. Everything in moderation! Christmas dinner is actually a great opportunity to eat plenty of yummy veggies (hello brussel sprouts!) and some delicious lean turkey. Be aware of piling up your plate with things like stuffing and gravy, but, like I said, one indulgent meal won't make you obese over night! And after all, Christmas only comes once a year! 

Enjoy A Fizz

No one likes that person at the Christmas party who insists on not drinking because 'they're watching their waistline'. Pu-lease. If there is one time of the year you can relax, enjoy a couple of drinks with friends and family, then this is it.  Remember, come January EVERYONE wants a break from drinking, rest your liver then.  Obviously it's advisable not to go over board, but savouring a bubbly glass of champagne is what Christmas is about! Of course it goes without saying, ensure you're drinking plenty of water during the day and before you go to bed to avoid a fuzzy head the next day! But there is NOTHING wrong with getting into the Christmas Spirit! 

Enjoy It

Like I said, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.  Even if your Christmas extends all the way from November 31st till January 1st, relish in it.  It is the time of giving and remembering those who can't be with us.  It's a time of being grateful and spending precious moments with our loved ones.  So don't worry too much about gaining an extra kilo here and there. All it will take is a couple of weeks of healthy eating and exercise to get back to where you were! Enjoy this time, it only comes once a year! 

Merry Christmas Everybody! 

V x 

Sunday, 13 December 2015

The REAL Reason You Can't Lose Weight

Speaking from experience, I've tried it all...Juice Cleanses, Apple Diets, Green Face Diets, No Carbs, Excessive Cardio, Cutting Sugar. The fact of the matter is, long term NON OF THIS WORKS. Deep down, we ALL know that the principles to losing weight and/or maintaining a healthy weigh, are to train consistently, mix up your training, be honest about what goes in your mouth, and get enough sleep. 

But I think there's more to it than that.  

I know a lot of people, very smart people, who 1000% understand these principles, and perhaps even follow them most of the time. Yet these people REFUSE to believe they are losing weight or look good (because, let's be honest here, the reason we get up an hour earlier to exercise, or choose a salad over a burger, is WE WANT TO LOOK GOOD NAKED). The problem lies not in their physical body or habits per say, but in their minds.  

These are the people who talk themselves out of a pizza, or exercise for 3 hours on the weekend because they didn't exercise during the week (that's not how it works, btw). These people create their own storm of guilt over every little thing they think they do wrong. Every time they chose a burger over a salad, they obsess over it for days.  They might even starve themselves for the next 24 hours, to make up for the calories they just consumed (again, that's not how it works).  I know it sounds extreme, but I know this happens because I used to be one of these people.  

I believe insecurity is one of the main causes for this kind of behaviour.  That, along with body dysmorphia (where by the person sees themselves completely differently to how the public views them).  

But why could this inhibit weight loss? First of all, it's the extreme acts - starvation followed by binging, being completely sedentary then over-exercising to the point of exhaustion.  Combining the two: gyming for 2 hours then going to bed on a completely empty stomach straight after.  It's completely inconsistent and doesn't allow the body to become balanced, inhibiting the chance to get stronger, healthier or slimmer. The thing is, these people KNOW deep down that what they're doing isn't right. This plays on their guilty conscience even more. And then it's just a vicious cycle.  

Secondly, guilt is fuelled by negative thinking.  Studies have shown that negative thoughts increase stress and anxiety, resulting in the release of stress hormones, such as Cortisol and Adrenaline. We already know that in excess, the presence of these hormones can cause the body to go into 'survival mode' and cling on to every last bit of energy it has left.  In other words, your body will not allow you to lose weight.  More importantly, your immune system will weaken, your blood pressure will increase, and you increase your risk to heart disease and stroke.  

So how to obtain inner peace...unfortunately it's not an instant fix or over night improvement.  Things like this take time, because altering your psychological well-being is an on-going process. It helps to surround yourself with people who motivate and encourage you. It also helps not to relate every single thing back to weight loss, or think that everything is directed to you and your weight. The less you concentrate and obsess over it, the easier it will happen, I promise! Speaking from experience, the day I stopped trying to 'lose weight' and, instead, started to 'get stronger and healthier' was my turning point.  I've come a long way, but don't think for a second I won't keep motivating myself to do better. Self improvement is a wonderful thing, it can be used to great advantage. But pairing it with negative thoughts or setting the bar too high will ultimately lead to defeat.  

And to the people out there worrying that they don't look like a Victoria Secret model or Mr. Olympia, you are AWESOME just the way you are. There's always a way to be healthier, but true health does not exist in the absence of HAPPINESS. And remember, at the end of the day life is short, so don't sweat the small stuff and just enjoy it.  

Just something to think about...

V x 

Monday, 7 December 2015

How To Recover From A Massive Weekend...

Yes, that's my netball team taking a selfie with rugby legend, Sonny Bill Williams! 

Anyone who has lived in Dubai knows that the Emirates Airline Dubai Rugby Sevens is THE most anticipated weekend on the social calendar. 3 days of early mornings, late nights, rugby (and netball!) in the sunshine, followed by at least one night of excessive boozing and poor food choices. Bliss! But the fun sure takes it's toll on the body.  Most are left feeling sore, hungover, grouchy and tired.  So in honour of the best weekend of the year, I thought I'd share my secrets to sorting yourself out and getting back to normality (NOTE: give yourself a day to revel in your hangover, it will make you more motivated to refresh afterwards).  These tips aren't just for the Sevens, music festivals or epic nights out can also cause symptoms of such come-downs.  


It might seem obvious, but those 12 - 16 hour days of excitement and adrenaline pumping fun can leave us absolutely knackered. Getting an early night once the weekend is over is the best thing we can do.  During sleep, our body can heal and repair itself efficiently as it doesn't have much else to worry about.  Our sore muscles can repair and we can make up for the hours of rest lost over the weekend.  Plus, you'll wake up feeling a whole lot fresher than you did the day before with significantly smaller dark circles under the eyes! 


Whether you participated in sporting events or not, a weekend full of sunshine and booze generally equates to dehydration.  Obviously increasing your water intake over the next few days will help this (adding lemon to the water will help alkalise your body at the same time) but also consider herbal teas, coconut water and fresh juices to help replace some nutrients and minerals that have probably been lacking over the past few days.  Another reason to hydrate is to banish water retention in the body (something I suffer exceptionally badly during a hangover).  If we are dehydrated, our cells cling on to every last drop of water they can find, resulting in bloating, puffiness around the face and neck, and poor digestion.  In order for our body to return to equilibrium, we need to replace the water we have lost.  Remember, what you EAT is just as important as what you DRINK.  Fresh fruits, veggies and plenty of lean protein should be on the menu for a few days. Keep your carb intake lower for a short while, as starchy carbs can also increase water retention and bloating.  My final suggestion, especially if you are feeling a sore throat coming along, is to take some supplements (either in pill form or powder) to really boost your vitamin and nutrient intake quickly and avoid the classic 'run-down cold'.  Nutra Organics does a great raw powder packed full of the good stuff, and it's as easy as throwing a teaspoon into a smoothie or a glass of water.  Just a few days of eating light and clean and drinking plenty of fluids will have you feeling and looking fab once again! 


Finally, don't use your big weekend as an excuse to avoid your sports bra for 2 weeks.  Getting back into it as soon as possible will get the endorphins pumping, relieving those post-Sevens blues.  Perhaps a good hot yoga session or a light jog is all you need to get the blood pumping and stretch out those muscles.  Maybe you'd prefer a hardcore HIIT session to really kick start things...whatever feels good! But trust me, once you're back to your normal training routine you'll start to feel refreshed and motivated.  

And if that doesn't help you feel better, remember its only about 363 days till next year's Rugby Sevens when we get to do it all over again! 

V x 

Sunday, 29 November 2015

What To Eat For Breakfast When You Don't Like Eggs...

Here's the thing; I can ramble on about eating eggs for breakfast because their a great source of protein blah blah blah. But at the end of the day, if one doesn't like eggs, one will not eat them. Not only that, sometimes we just don't have the time to cook eggs in the morning! When you get a bout of gastro and the last thing you ate were two boiled eggs, consequently throwing up boiled egg white for 24 hours, surprise surprise! Eggs aren't appetising any more. 

So we need to find an alternative. There are many options available that are both tasty and quick to prepare.  Bonus if we get a protein packed munch too.  

Recently, I've been opting for good old Greek yoghurt. The Total 0% brand boasts 17.5 grams of protein per cup (170g), which is almost as much protein as 3 large eggs!! Although in the past I have discovered that cows milk has the tendency to bloat me and play havoc with my digestion, it seems that Greek yoghurt is a lot kinder on my gut.  Apparently, this is often the case for self-proclaimed 'Lactose Intolerants', with the lactose in Greek yoghurt being easier to break down that the lactose found in milk. The reason it is easier to digest Greek yoghurt, is there is less lactose.  During the process of making Greek yoghurt, in order to make it thick, the whey is strained away, taking most of the lactose with it.   Therefore, less lactose = easier to digest.  

So, what do I team my Greek yoghurt with? Usually, some frozen blueberries and cherries. Blueberries pack a health punch, being found to ward off heart disease by reducing the total amount of cholesterol in the blood.  Cherries have extremely high anti-oxidant properties, cancer-preventative compounds and anti-inflammatory effects.  They can also reduce post-exercise muscle pain and belly fat! 

I usually sprinkle my bowl with some chia seeds and bee pollen (read my previous post on Superfoods to see why I add these!) and some coconut chips; firstly because I love coconut, but secondly for a healthy dose of fats and some instant fuel thanks to medium-chained triglycerides found in coconut flesh.  

So next time the thought of eggs makes your stomach churn, reach for some Greek yoghurt and power through your day! Plus, it totally feels like your eating dessert for breakfast because it's so pretty and delicious! 

V x   

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Good-For-You Banana Oat Muffins

Banana bread is one of my favourite treats. But just because something tastes fab, doesn't mean it has to be bad for you! The other day I had some over-ripe bananas begging to be made into muffins, so I got to work and created a scrummy muffin recipe you'll love. And the best part? They're pretty damn good for you! 

TIME: 35 minutes 
MAKES: 12 muffins 


2 large bananas, mashed 
1 banana sliced (for topping)
65 g oat flour (basically whizz up some oats) 
20 g ground flax
85 g almond flour
1 tsp baking powder 
1/2 tsp cinnamon 
3 tsp coconut sugar 
pinch himalayan sea salt 
2 eggs 
70 ml coconut milk 
1 tsp vanilla extract 
2 tsp date syrup (or maple syrup)


Pre-heat the over to 180*C.  Grease a muffin tin with coconut oil (I used spray).

In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients.

In a separate bowl, mix all wet ingredients (including bananas).

Combine dry and wet ingredients together. Just a big spoon is fine! 

Fill up the muffin tray with mixture and place a slice of banana on top of each muffin.

Bake for around 25 mins or until golden brown on top.  

Let cool slightly and enjoy! Try not to eat them all at once!

You can freeze these muffins in a container and simply reheat in the microwave for about 1 minute before serving! 

I like to have one of these protein and energy packed muffins before netball matches or before a workout.  They are the perfect balance between moist, delicious muffin and a savoury bite.  


V x

Thursday, 19 November 2015

The 5 10 15 20 Workout

Do you only have 20 minutes to get sweaty, build some muscles and burn some fat? Then try out this bad boy workout. Hard is an understatement. Modifications can be made based on your fitness level but I'll explain the basic structure...

The workout is made of a circuit of 4 basic exercises, repeated 5 times. The idea is to get through it as quickly as you can with minimal to no rest. Keep your heart rate up and burn those calories, this will set your metabolism soaring! Time yourself, it may take anywhere between 12 and 25 minutes, and every time you repeat the workout try and do it faster than the previous attempt! Make sure to warm up a little, perhaps 5 minutes fast paced walking on incline on the treadmill. 


5 Full Burpees (flat to the floor)

10 Box Jumps 

15 Kettle Bell Swings (8 - 20Kg) w/ Hip Thrust

20 Calories on the Rowing Machine

And done! So next time you have limited time and don't really know what to do in the gym, give this a go! To modify, increase kettle bell weight, increase box height and change style of burpees! It's also an easy circuit to do with someone else if there are multiple rowing machines available. Remember to cool down and stretch afterwards! 

Good Luck! And more importantly have fun!

V x

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

10 Things Happy, Healthy People Do Every Day

The daily habits of the happy and healthy are like gold dust to those who often feel under the weather, stressed or grouchy. But just by incorporating these 10 daily habits, maybe just week by week, one at a time, your body will thank you!

1. Get Moving  
I've said it before and I'll say it again, exercise is not just good for the body, but it's great for the soul.  It doesn't have to be crazy hard or for hours at a time, but putting aside 30 minutes to an hour per day to do ANY type of exercise, will help you feel great. I've heard people say 8892645987 times that they don't have time to exercise, they are too busy. So MAKE time! Get up half an hour earlier maybe and go for a jog, or do some yoga stretches, or a quick workout (like my Holiday Workout that can be done anywhere with no equipment). Once you've started small, I promise you'll love the benefits and before you know it, you'll be hitting up a cross fit class or hot yoga every day!  And keep it interesting! Variety is key, maybe on Mondays you run, Tuesdays you go to pilates, Wednesday you play tennis etc etc... 

2. Drink Water

Let's get the obvious ones out the way. Drinking water every day keeps you hydrated and allows your body to work at it's optimum.  AT LEAST 2 litres per day should be your target, and if you don't like water, throw in some berries or slices of lemon to keep it interesting. I could go on for hours about the importance of drinking water, but I've got 8 more daily habits to get through! Just do it! Bottoms up! 

3. Eat Something That Makes You Feel Healthy

Be it a salad, a boiled egg, a green smoothie or a piece of fruit. Every day, make sure you eat 1 thing that makes you feel healthy and righteous! Just as the first point, if you manage to eat 1 healthy thing a day, this will slowly increase till 80% of what you're eating is healthy.

4. Eat Something That Makes You Feel Happy 

Think of it as 'Food For The Soul'.  Every day, eat something that makes you smile. It might be a lovely cup of tea, it might be a chocolate, an ice cream or your grandma's chicken soup. Hell, it might be your raw, vegan dinner that you constructed all by yourself! Remember that the key to happiness, health and vitality is balance. So if you're having a below average day and the only thing that is going to make you feel better is a Twix, then go for it! One Twix won't hurt, but one everyday might, so just make sure you don't get into a habit of reaching for something 'naughty' to make you happy. Maybe a sunshine yellow mango will do the trick! 

5. Floss Your Teeth 

Ok, unleashing the Dental Geek here. Everybody has grown up knowing that they should brush their teeth morning and night. But not everybody knows that the key to a truly healthy mouth is FLOSSING EVERY DAMN DAY. Flossing gets to places that brushing simply cannot, around 40% of your mouth to be precise.  Flossing removes the plaque and bacteria that hide between the teeth, which is the most place to develop caries (or 'holes').  Removing this plaque and bacteria also improves the health of your gums, reducing the risk of gingivitis (inflamed, bleeding gums) and periodontal disease (destruction of the supporting tissues like bone and gums, from around the tooth).  Recent studies have shown links between periodontal (gum) disease and heart disease, with research showing that in the presence of heart disease, periodontal disease was also diagnosed.  Some believe there is a connection between the inflammatory proteins released in the body when bacteria is allowed to reside in the gums, others link it to the presence of mouth bacteria in the arterial 'plaque' that causes Atherosclerosis.  But if that's too hard to understand, learn just this: after just 3 days of not flossing, the bacteria found in your mouth is the same as the bacteria found in POO. So yeah, pooey bad breath is really a thing...

6. Speak To A Friend

Social interaction is so so important. Chatting with a pal can cheer you up on a bad day, motivate you to keep going and reassure you that everything will be OK.  The happiest people surround themselves with people who lift them up.  Friends come in many shapes and sizes, whether it be work colleagues or team mates.  When we were kids, we were encouraged to make friends because it helped us learn and grow. For some reason, many adults isolate themselves. As adults, we still have a lot of learning to do, and what better way to do so than from the people you interact with daily? Don't isolate yourself. Pick up the phone a just call someone, even if it's just your mum! 

7. Laugh

Warning: this may result from point 6.  Laughter releases endorphins, so find some way to giggle. Trust me, it will brighten up your day! And if you can't think of anything, search You Tube for howling puppies. 

8. Get Some Fresh Air

You might want to incorporate this with point 1. But getting some fresh air into your lungs will make you feel fabulous. It is the ultimate cure for 3:30itis, so if you're stuck in an office, maybe make the excuse of walking down to the convenience shop to pick up the newspaper or a magazine.  Plus, walking in the sunshine will help with your daily dose of Vitamin D3, vital to keep us healthy and strong and essential for absorption of calcium.  And no, driving home from work with the window down does not count! 

9. Read 

Anything. A book, the newspaper, one of my blog posts. Reading gets your mind working and increases intellect, it gets you thinking.  Reading a book is also a great way to take time out for yourself and the perfect pre-sleep habit, instead of staring at a TV screen or your Smart Phone.  It sets you up for a great night's sleep, which brings me to my final point...

10. Catch Those Zzzzzs

Getting to bed at an acceptable, consistent time every day will improve your health tenfold.  Getting at least 6 hours sleep a night allows your body time to relax, recuperate and recover from the daily grind.  See point 9. for a tip for a better nights sleep, and what can also help is drinking chamomile tea before bed, making sure you've organised your stuff the following day so you can literally rest easy.  Unfortunately 'catching up' on sleep over the weekend has been found to have little benefit, so being consistent during the week, going to sleep at the same time, waking up at the same time, is much more beneficial for your health and well being.  

These simple things all contribute to the bigger picture - living a happy, healthy life. So give them a try! 

V x 

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Bestest Breakfast Bowls

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  I love breakfast in every form, but during the week I try to stick to eggs and veggies.  There are only so many times a girl can eat an omelet, so to mix things up lately I've been making what I like to call 'Breakfast Bowls', because it sounds a lot more appetising than 'Breakfast Salad'!

The concept is easy - throw together a salad of your choice while boiling a couple of eggs. Include leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion, basically your favourite salad components. The possibilities are endless, I've even flash fried up some mushrooms and capsicum with a bit of chilli to add to my salads before. Incorporate some healthy fats such as 1/4 of an avo or a thumb sized portion of feta cheese.  Dress with a little olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt & pepper, lemon juice and chilli flakes or turmeric if you please. I sometimes add sauerkraut for a health boost in the morning.  Peel eggs, add on top and enjoy! If you're an early starter you can even prepare this the night before.

This breakfast works on so many levels. It's your first meal of the day and it is packed to the brim with nutrients that your body is ready to absorb.  If you exercise in the morning, the eggs provide you with the ultimate post work out fuel.  Before you've even arrived at work you've had a hearty serving of veggies, which takes a bit of pressure off your lunch and dinner choices.  The combination of protein and fats, along with plenty of veg, will keep you feeling satisfied until lunch.  And it tastes great! 

One thing that stuck with me from Goa was the concept of acidic and alkaline foods.  Eggs are actually highly acidic, so eating them along with dark leafy greens and tomatoes alkalises them. Also, dressing them with a little turmeric helps reduce the inflammatory effects of acidic foods.  Eating alkaline foods is excellent for your digestive system and body in general, and has even proven to reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases within the body. 

So do your body a favour and have a Breakfast Bowl tomorrow. I promise you'll be hooked! 

V x 

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

6 Things We Can Learn From Victoria Secret Fashion Show 2015

The annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is one of my most anticipated fashion events of the year. Genetically blessed, angelic women take to the catwalk with their abnormally elongated limbs and toned stomachs, to display some of the most beautiful lingerie created. And then there's the wings...oh how I would love to wear a pair of wings like that! 

Probably my favourite part of VS fashion show, however, is the fact that the models actually look healthy and happy.  Far too many catwalks at NYFW or PFW are filled with severely underweight, starving, glum looking models, who send negative body ideals out there.  In stark contrast, the VS models are glowing, with toned thighs, six packs and delicately pronounced biceps and deltoids - their bodies are the combination of 5 star genetics, a healthy diet and lifestyle, and regular barre pilates classes and kick boxing workouts.

As the years go on, the lead up to VS gets more and more media coverage, whether it be the selection process of new Angels (hello Gigi & Kendall, how could they not?!) or their workout habits, which were displayed on the VS sport IG page @victoriassecretsport.  I truly do believe that these human anomalies actually follow healthy lifestyles and perform these workouts, and that is why I think we can all learn a few things from the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (besides the fact that we're all gonna start kick boxing!)....

1. Stilettos WILL Make Your Legs Look Longer!

OK, so let's be honest here, we're not all blessed with ridiculously long legs.  But that is exactly why God created the stiletto (or at least I think so).  Strappy heels have the ability to create an illusion of elongated legs, and can also make them appear more toned.  So if you haven't had a chance to get to your pilates class for a while, whip out the stilettos and give them a whirl. I promise you'll get compliments! 

2. VS Created the Wonder Bra for a Reason...

Being 'light chested' myself, the invention of the Wonder Bra has as much importance as the invention of the wheel.  While some call it 'false advertising', I prefer to call it 'confidence boosting' (pun intended).  And why not? If something makes you feel better about yourself, then you should utilise it.  Any girl who exercises regularly and eats well will know that when following such a lifestyle, you have to be quite lucky not to lose some of your boobs.  The majority of breast tissue (aside from glandular tissue and lactation ducts) is fat, therefore the more fat you have (generally speaking) the bigger your boobs should be. Now, these magical females gracing the VS catwalk, although naturally divine, do have a little help.  Life would just be completely unfair if they all had legs up to their armpits, flat stomachs and D cup breasts.  The Wonder Bra makes up for this (minor) flaw, and lucky for us, we can use it too! 

3. A Tan to Make You Toned.  

Now, I know that the VS Angels spend their days eating well and working out, keeping their already beautiful bodies even more toned, but they also have the help of a little something called 'bronzer'.  One thing I love is that they don't look overdone.  More just a glow to accentuate their healthy bodies (and hide any tan lines).  We all know it is unsafe to bake our bodies in the sun, it causes skin damage, wrinkles and worst of all, skin cancer.  Slip slop slapping on 30+ every time we venture into the sun (and even when we don't) is very important for our overall health.  But that doesn't mean we can get that glow.  Rub on tan can not only make you feel good about yourself, but can also make you appear slimmer and more toned.  Just don't go over board and start to resemble a cheato! And it's not just our bodies that can benefit; a little blush or bronzer on our cheek bones can make us look healthier too! 

4. Drink Water All Day!

Ask any model (VS or not) the secret to their fabulous bodies and glowing, clear skin and the first thing they ALL say is DRINK WATER.  We all know we should be drinking a minimum of 2 litres per day, more if we're exercising or live in a hot climate, but not many of us manage it.  Some tips to drinking more water - set hourly reminders on your phone to drink up; make your water taste good by adding citrus fruits or berries; and every time you eat, drink 2 glasses of water first.  VS Angels all swear by eating clean, fresh foods including plenty of fruits and veggies, not only leading up to the show but all year.  One thing I read this morning was Kendall Jenner saying the day before the show she didn't starve herself, but instead had chicken, sweet potato, egg white and avocados for a healthy, balanced dinner - like music to my ears! I'm just so happy to hear they are not all on juice cleanses leading up to the show! 

5. Sweat Like You Mean It.. 

I can only imagine that being a supermodel in this day and age, any small amount of free time is dedicated to conditioning their bodies.  Thanks to social media like Instagram and Twitter, us mere mortals can see exactly what a supermodel does to stay in shape.  Things like cross fit, boxing, pilates, yoga and volleyball all spring to mind.  Basically, they're not afraid to break a sweat, something we can all learn from. Too many times I hear people complain about their bodies but don't commit to doing anything about it! Sometimes I just want to say 'suck it up, drop and give me 10!'.  Hopefully the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show will motivate those people to get up and move! It's clear that these models don't just rely on starvation to create their bodies - one tell tale sign is their faces aren't gaunt and grey.  Their muscles are long and toned, they look very fit and strong.  It's obvious that they are committed to their workouts, try a variety of exercise options and do so regularly.  It's a matter of being committed all year round and not just leading up to bikini season!  

6. Smile! 

One of the standout features of the VS catwalk in comparison to the earlier mentioned stick figure models, is their smiles! The Angels have personality, each with their own signature move that identifies them not only as supermodels in their own right, but girls that exude positive self imagine, confidence and happiness.  A smile is the most wonderful thing anyone can wear, and no matter who you are, a smile will make you the beautiful person in the room! So flash your pearly whites more often, it looks good on you! 

If we can't look like them we can at least take inspiration from them! I can't wait to watch the show in full, but for now, where did I put that boxing glove....

V x

Monday, 9 November 2015

Holiday Workout!

In light of post yesterday Keeping Healthy On Holiday, my brother told me to share the workout I did at 5am in his student house lounge room! (This was before cleaning their entire kitchen and lounge - big sister duties.)

Despite being in a house full of gym junkie, protein munching males, I had to make the best with what I had - a 1.5m by 2m area of lounge room floor, a dining chair, a whiteboard and myself.  

So, as I mentioned in my previous post, this is a slightly Kayla-esq workout, which I put together on the spot and wrote out on the whiteboard.  Basically I was looking to start puffing, sweating and getting the blood pumping.  Just over half an hour (I had a lot of time to kill) with minimum rest between rounds.  The only equipment necessary is your own body (trainers not applicable) and a chair/stool/step that will take your body weight.  

Round 1 (R1)

40 Ab Bikes (20 each side) 
10 Burpees
15 Straight Leg Sit Ups 
50 Mountain Climbers (25 each leg) 
30 High Knees (15 each leg, stable foot on chair) 


Round 2 (R2)

15 Sumo Squats (with weights if you have them)
15 Push Ups 
30 Lunges (15 each leg)
20 Snap Jumps / Froggies
40 Flutter Kicks 


Set a timer to 8 minutes and perform each series of exercises as many times as possible in the 8 minutes.  I recommend doing R1, then R2, then R1 and R2 again for 8 minutes each, with minimum rest in between rounds (30 seconds to a minute).  Remember, the goal is to sweat and burn calories! So work through the exercises properly but efficiently, I could get through each round at least twice in the 8 minutes.  

This workout doesn't have to be restricted to holidays, it can be done almost any where.  Happy sweating! 

V x