Thursday 31 December 2015

New Years Evolution

It's December 31st, 2015.  A day of champagne, fireworks, kisses and (unkept) promises. So many people wake up on January 1st with a sore head and a list of resolutions, which usually don't make it to January 7th.  According to the Oxford Dictionary, to make a resolution is to make a firm decision to DO or NOT DO something.  Now, if you ask me, as human beings making any sort of firm decision will usually result in the complete opposite of what we intended. 

'I resolve to eat less carbs' - eats left over Christmas pudding for breakfast

'I resolve to exercise more' - doesn't wear trainers till March 2020

'I resolve to be more sociable' - declines invitation to friend's birthday drinks because its on a Tuesday night (hellooo,'s a school night!) 

Any way, you get the point.  Ever since we were children, most of us wanted to do what we were told NOT to do, and vice versa.  So instead of making New Years Resolutions, I've decided to embark upon January 1st (and every day after that) as a New Year Evolution. 

Now, Oxford's definition of evolution is the gradual development of something.  I like that. I like the thought of gradually developing and evolving as a person.  Is that not what we were put here to do? To grow? 

The happiest people are those who are always looking to learn more, understand more, do better, meet more people.  Developing as a person is fulfilling. Part of the fun in life is the unexpected, and from each unexpected occurrence we can grow and flourish. I'm not saying sell all your belongings and travel the world with only a back pack (unless of course, you want to), but people need to start appreciating change and thriving from it.  Remember, in the Animal Kingdom, evolution is essential.  Only the strong survive, and without adapting to the environment and circumstances, they perish.  If only humans considered life in the same way, far too many of us are stuck in our comfort zones, unwilling to accept what's actually going on.  If more people decided to make changes and grow, the world would most definitely be a better place! 

Take every day as it comes, try your hardest (always), and be kind to those who deserve it and those who need it. I've said this so many times before, but life is far to short to worry about eating less carbs, exercising more, or worrying whether people think you're a hermit or not.  Do what makes you happy, and do what makes you feel achieved and successful in your own right.  

So, as the clock counts down to January 1st, think of how you are going to make 2016 the best year yet.  Imagine where you want to be this time next year, and work towards it every. single. day. And if where you thought you wanted to be changes, then cool, embrace it!  Life's all about adapting and evolving.  

Here's to a fabulous 2015, and an even better 2016! Happy New Year! Cheers! 

V x