Monday 7 December 2015

How To Recover From A Massive Weekend...

Yes, that's my netball team taking a selfie with rugby legend, Sonny Bill Williams! 

Anyone who has lived in Dubai knows that the Emirates Airline Dubai Rugby Sevens is THE most anticipated weekend on the social calendar. 3 days of early mornings, late nights, rugby (and netball!) in the sunshine, followed by at least one night of excessive boozing and poor food choices. Bliss! But the fun sure takes it's toll on the body.  Most are left feeling sore, hungover, grouchy and tired.  So in honour of the best weekend of the year, I thought I'd share my secrets to sorting yourself out and getting back to normality (NOTE: give yourself a day to revel in your hangover, it will make you more motivated to refresh afterwards).  These tips aren't just for the Sevens, music festivals or epic nights out can also cause symptoms of such come-downs.  


It might seem obvious, but those 12 - 16 hour days of excitement and adrenaline pumping fun can leave us absolutely knackered. Getting an early night once the weekend is over is the best thing we can do.  During sleep, our body can heal and repair itself efficiently as it doesn't have much else to worry about.  Our sore muscles can repair and we can make up for the hours of rest lost over the weekend.  Plus, you'll wake up feeling a whole lot fresher than you did the day before with significantly smaller dark circles under the eyes! 


Whether you participated in sporting events or not, a weekend full of sunshine and booze generally equates to dehydration.  Obviously increasing your water intake over the next few days will help this (adding lemon to the water will help alkalise your body at the same time) but also consider herbal teas, coconut water and fresh juices to help replace some nutrients and minerals that have probably been lacking over the past few days.  Another reason to hydrate is to banish water retention in the body (something I suffer exceptionally badly during a hangover).  If we are dehydrated, our cells cling on to every last drop of water they can find, resulting in bloating, puffiness around the face and neck, and poor digestion.  In order for our body to return to equilibrium, we need to replace the water we have lost.  Remember, what you EAT is just as important as what you DRINK.  Fresh fruits, veggies and plenty of lean protein should be on the menu for a few days. Keep your carb intake lower for a short while, as starchy carbs can also increase water retention and bloating.  My final suggestion, especially if you are feeling a sore throat coming along, is to take some supplements (either in pill form or powder) to really boost your vitamin and nutrient intake quickly and avoid the classic 'run-down cold'.  Nutra Organics does a great raw powder packed full of the good stuff, and it's as easy as throwing a teaspoon into a smoothie or a glass of water.  Just a few days of eating light and clean and drinking plenty of fluids will have you feeling and looking fab once again! 


Finally, don't use your big weekend as an excuse to avoid your sports bra for 2 weeks.  Getting back into it as soon as possible will get the endorphins pumping, relieving those post-Sevens blues.  Perhaps a good hot yoga session or a light jog is all you need to get the blood pumping and stretch out those muscles.  Maybe you'd prefer a hardcore HIIT session to really kick start things...whatever feels good! But trust me, once you're back to your normal training routine you'll start to feel refreshed and motivated.  

And if that doesn't help you feel better, remember its only about 363 days till next year's Rugby Sevens when we get to do it all over again! 

V x