Sunday 29 November 2015

What To Eat For Breakfast When You Don't Like Eggs...

Here's the thing; I can ramble on about eating eggs for breakfast because their a great source of protein blah blah blah. But at the end of the day, if one doesn't like eggs, one will not eat them. Not only that, sometimes we just don't have the time to cook eggs in the morning! When you get a bout of gastro and the last thing you ate were two boiled eggs, consequently throwing up boiled egg white for 24 hours, surprise surprise! Eggs aren't appetising any more. 

So we need to find an alternative. There are many options available that are both tasty and quick to prepare.  Bonus if we get a protein packed munch too.  

Recently, I've been opting for good old Greek yoghurt. The Total 0% brand boasts 17.5 grams of protein per cup (170g), which is almost as much protein as 3 large eggs!! Although in the past I have discovered that cows milk has the tendency to bloat me and play havoc with my digestion, it seems that Greek yoghurt is a lot kinder on my gut.  Apparently, this is often the case for self-proclaimed 'Lactose Intolerants', with the lactose in Greek yoghurt being easier to break down that the lactose found in milk. The reason it is easier to digest Greek yoghurt, is there is less lactose.  During the process of making Greek yoghurt, in order to make it thick, the whey is strained away, taking most of the lactose with it.   Therefore, less lactose = easier to digest.  

So, what do I team my Greek yoghurt with? Usually, some frozen blueberries and cherries. Blueberries pack a health punch, being found to ward off heart disease by reducing the total amount of cholesterol in the blood.  Cherries have extremely high anti-oxidant properties, cancer-preventative compounds and anti-inflammatory effects.  They can also reduce post-exercise muscle pain and belly fat! 

I usually sprinkle my bowl with some chia seeds and bee pollen (read my previous post on Superfoods to see why I add these!) and some coconut chips; firstly because I love coconut, but secondly for a healthy dose of fats and some instant fuel thanks to medium-chained triglycerides found in coconut flesh.  

So next time the thought of eggs makes your stomach churn, reach for some Greek yoghurt and power through your day! Plus, it totally feels like your eating dessert for breakfast because it's so pretty and delicious! 

V x