Wednesday 11 November 2015

6 Things We Can Learn From Victoria Secret Fashion Show 2015

The annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is one of my most anticipated fashion events of the year. Genetically blessed, angelic women take to the catwalk with their abnormally elongated limbs and toned stomachs, to display some of the most beautiful lingerie created. And then there's the wings...oh how I would love to wear a pair of wings like that! 

Probably my favourite part of VS fashion show, however, is the fact that the models actually look healthy and happy.  Far too many catwalks at NYFW or PFW are filled with severely underweight, starving, glum looking models, who send negative body ideals out there.  In stark contrast, the VS models are glowing, with toned thighs, six packs and delicately pronounced biceps and deltoids - their bodies are the combination of 5 star genetics, a healthy diet and lifestyle, and regular barre pilates classes and kick boxing workouts.

As the years go on, the lead up to VS gets more and more media coverage, whether it be the selection process of new Angels (hello Gigi & Kendall, how could they not?!) or their workout habits, which were displayed on the VS sport IG page @victoriassecretsport.  I truly do believe that these human anomalies actually follow healthy lifestyles and perform these workouts, and that is why I think we can all learn a few things from the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (besides the fact that we're all gonna start kick boxing!)....

1. Stilettos WILL Make Your Legs Look Longer!

OK, so let's be honest here, we're not all blessed with ridiculously long legs.  But that is exactly why God created the stiletto (or at least I think so).  Strappy heels have the ability to create an illusion of elongated legs, and can also make them appear more toned.  So if you haven't had a chance to get to your pilates class for a while, whip out the stilettos and give them a whirl. I promise you'll get compliments! 

2. VS Created the Wonder Bra for a Reason...

Being 'light chested' myself, the invention of the Wonder Bra has as much importance as the invention of the wheel.  While some call it 'false advertising', I prefer to call it 'confidence boosting' (pun intended).  And why not? If something makes you feel better about yourself, then you should utilise it.  Any girl who exercises regularly and eats well will know that when following such a lifestyle, you have to be quite lucky not to lose some of your boobs.  The majority of breast tissue (aside from glandular tissue and lactation ducts) is fat, therefore the more fat you have (generally speaking) the bigger your boobs should be. Now, these magical females gracing the VS catwalk, although naturally divine, do have a little help.  Life would just be completely unfair if they all had legs up to their armpits, flat stomachs and D cup breasts.  The Wonder Bra makes up for this (minor) flaw, and lucky for us, we can use it too! 

3. A Tan to Make You Toned.  

Now, I know that the VS Angels spend their days eating well and working out, keeping their already beautiful bodies even more toned, but they also have the help of a little something called 'bronzer'.  One thing I love is that they don't look overdone.  More just a glow to accentuate their healthy bodies (and hide any tan lines).  We all know it is unsafe to bake our bodies in the sun, it causes skin damage, wrinkles and worst of all, skin cancer.  Slip slop slapping on 30+ every time we venture into the sun (and even when we don't) is very important for our overall health.  But that doesn't mean we can get that glow.  Rub on tan can not only make you feel good about yourself, but can also make you appear slimmer and more toned.  Just don't go over board and start to resemble a cheato! And it's not just our bodies that can benefit; a little blush or bronzer on our cheek bones can make us look healthier too! 

4. Drink Water All Day!

Ask any model (VS or not) the secret to their fabulous bodies and glowing, clear skin and the first thing they ALL say is DRINK WATER.  We all know we should be drinking a minimum of 2 litres per day, more if we're exercising or live in a hot climate, but not many of us manage it.  Some tips to drinking more water - set hourly reminders on your phone to drink up; make your water taste good by adding citrus fruits or berries; and every time you eat, drink 2 glasses of water first.  VS Angels all swear by eating clean, fresh foods including plenty of fruits and veggies, not only leading up to the show but all year.  One thing I read this morning was Kendall Jenner saying the day before the show she didn't starve herself, but instead had chicken, sweet potato, egg white and avocados for a healthy, balanced dinner - like music to my ears! I'm just so happy to hear they are not all on juice cleanses leading up to the show! 

5. Sweat Like You Mean It.. 

I can only imagine that being a supermodel in this day and age, any small amount of free time is dedicated to conditioning their bodies.  Thanks to social media like Instagram and Twitter, us mere mortals can see exactly what a supermodel does to stay in shape.  Things like cross fit, boxing, pilates, yoga and volleyball all spring to mind.  Basically, they're not afraid to break a sweat, something we can all learn from. Too many times I hear people complain about their bodies but don't commit to doing anything about it! Sometimes I just want to say 'suck it up, drop and give me 10!'.  Hopefully the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show will motivate those people to get up and move! It's clear that these models don't just rely on starvation to create their bodies - one tell tale sign is their faces aren't gaunt and grey.  Their muscles are long and toned, they look very fit and strong.  It's obvious that they are committed to their workouts, try a variety of exercise options and do so regularly.  It's a matter of being committed all year round and not just leading up to bikini season!  

6. Smile! 

One of the standout features of the VS catwalk in comparison to the earlier mentioned stick figure models, is their smiles! The Angels have personality, each with their own signature move that identifies them not only as supermodels in their own right, but girls that exude positive self imagine, confidence and happiness.  A smile is the most wonderful thing anyone can wear, and no matter who you are, a smile will make you the beautiful person in the room! So flash your pearly whites more often, it looks good on you! 

If we can't look like them we can at least take inspiration from them! I can't wait to watch the show in full, but for now, where did I put that boxing glove....

V x