Wednesday 23 December 2015

Say No To Christmas Kilos!

Aaaaaah Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year.  Not necessarily for our waistlines or healthy habits, but it's great for the soul.  Bring on a month of festivities, jolliness, mince pies, Quality Street and celebrations. But Christmas doesn't have to put a strain on the waistline of your favourite pants.  Adopting a healthy approach to Christmas Time will help keep the kilos at bay, so you can start the new year happy and healthy! 

Get Moving

One great thing about Christmas holidays is the time off work.  Not worrying about getting to your desk by 9am means that you have more time to spend on yourself.  Get up and get moving, it doesn't have to be anything intense, but it is essential that you get the blood pumping at this time of year! Perhaps a jog with friends, or a yoga class with your mum.  Whatever it is, make it a priority to do something every day over the festive season.  Not only will your body thank you for it, but those endorphins will mean that your festive spirit will be at an all time high! 

Eat Mindfully - The One Item Rule

OK, here's the thing.  The festive season releases everyone's inner Martha Stewart. My mum recently baked SIX DOZEN mince pies! And that was the second batch!! Everything gets a little sweeter during the festive season, but this doesn't mean we have to become Grinches and turn our nose up to every delicious treat. Try and stick to the One Item Rule.  By this, I mean sticking to just ONE mince pie, or ONE sausage roll at your work Christmas party.  Canapés are delicious but beware of over-indulging, as the calories will add up.  If you're planning on having a big meal over dinner time, or attending a party with plenty of treats, eat mindfully for the rest of the day. Stick to lean protein and plenty of veggies, there will be no need to feel guilty when you enjoy your festive feast.  

And one other thing...when it comes to Christmas Dinner, remember the rule - one healthy meal won't make you healthy, just like one naughty meal will make you unhealthy. Everything in moderation! Christmas dinner is actually a great opportunity to eat plenty of yummy veggies (hello brussel sprouts!) and some delicious lean turkey. Be aware of piling up your plate with things like stuffing and gravy, but, like I said, one indulgent meal won't make you obese over night! And after all, Christmas only comes once a year! 

Enjoy A Fizz

No one likes that person at the Christmas party who insists on not drinking because 'they're watching their waistline'. Pu-lease. If there is one time of the year you can relax, enjoy a couple of drinks with friends and family, then this is it.  Remember, come January EVERYONE wants a break from drinking, rest your liver then.  Obviously it's advisable not to go over board, but savouring a bubbly glass of champagne is what Christmas is about! Of course it goes without saying, ensure you're drinking plenty of water during the day and before you go to bed to avoid a fuzzy head the next day! But there is NOTHING wrong with getting into the Christmas Spirit! 

Enjoy It

Like I said, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.  Even if your Christmas extends all the way from November 31st till January 1st, relish in it.  It is the time of giving and remembering those who can't be with us.  It's a time of being grateful and spending precious moments with our loved ones.  So don't worry too much about gaining an extra kilo here and there. All it will take is a couple of weeks of healthy eating and exercise to get back to where you were! Enjoy this time, it only comes once a year! 

Merry Christmas Everybody! 

V x