Wednesday 10 February 2016

Matcha Energy Balls

The top level of my fridge is dedicated to a variety of supplements and powders, that often get overlooked for weeks at a time.  The other day I rediscovered my Matcha powder, and decided to throw together these scrumptious little energy bites (plus, I've borrowed my boyfriend's mum's food processor and its really good).  

TIME: 20 mins
SERVES: About 25 - 30 balls (depending on how big you make them)


3/4 cup raw cashews
1/2 cup almond meal
1/2 cup desiccated unsweetened coconut
3 tbsp coconut butter
3 tbsp date syrup 
2 tsp matcha powder (plus another tsp for dusting)
1 tbsp coconut water


In your food processor, pulse up the cashews, almond meal and coconut.

While the processor is on low, slowly pour in the coconut butter (you may need to melt it a little in the microwave).  I will share a very easy and inexpensive way to make coconut butter shortly. 

Next, pour in the date syrup. You can buy this in jars, ready made, in Dubai; but anywhere else, simply soak your pitted dates in warm water for an hour or so, then blend up with a little of the water to create a syrup.

Add the matcha powder (you may need to scrape down the sides with a spatula) and only add the coconut water if you feel the mixture is a little dry.  

Once everything is combined and relatively smooth, use your hand to make little balls, using a teaspoon amount of mixture per ball. 

Once you've made all your balls, take a small, deep bowl and put the extra teaspoon of matcha powder in the bottom.  One by one, toss the little balls around in the powder so they get a nice, even coating.  

Store in the fridge (or in the freezer) in an air tight container.  

Just 2 or 3 of these little green monsters will help boost your metabolism and energy levels and keep hunger at bay! Enjoy! 

V x