Saturday 13 February 2016

Love Is A Drug

Or at least it has a drug like affect on your body! In honour of Valentine's Day and all things heart shaped, I decided to post about the effects 'being in LOVE' has on your body! We can all recognise that warm, fuzzy feeling when we're with someone we really adore, but why does it happen?  Basically it comes down to science (as does everything)...

1. Your Heart Flutters

Seeing someone you love (especially in the early days) will cause the adrenal gland to release adrenaline, epinephrine and norepinephrine to be pumped around your body by your blood.  In return, your heart beats quicker. 

2. Butterflies In Your Stomach

This happens because the adrenaline is sent to your lungs, muscles and brain.  Blood is diverted away from the stomach, and so it may feel a little strange, hence the butterflies! 

3. You're Happy 

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter released in the body during times of euphoria.  Studies have shown that dopamine is released when one experiences feelings of love, making us feel happy and that good things are coming!

4. Obsessive 

Even the coolest of us will admit that when we've fallen in love, we've become obsessed with that person.  Studies have shown that those who have recently fallen in love have significantly lower levels of serotonin, which is also found in those with obsessive compulsive disorder.  These low levels of serotonin may also influence our libido, increasing it significantly....

5. Kissing Is The Best Stress Relief

It has been found in those newer lovers, that their cortisol (stress hormone) levels are significantly higher.  However, it has been proved that kissing can reduce cortisol levels significantly. All the more reason to pucker up! 

6. You'll Live Longer! 

Studies have shown that being married to someone you love can increase a woman's life expectancy by 2 years, and a man's by 7! You know what Queen B would say boys, if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it! 

Remember, just because you may have not found your soul mate just yet, doesn't mean you can't enjoy Valentine's Day. To me, Valentine's Day should be a celebration of love in every form, whether it be with family, friends, your pets or your self.  Use it as an excuse to eat chocolate, laugh with your favourite people and tell them how much you care about them! And if all else fails to make you feel great, remember tomorrow chocolate will be half price! 

Big Love

V x