Thursday 18 February 2016

Healthy Bounty Bites

Bounty is by far my favourite chocolate bar.  But unless I'm feeling really naughty, I can get my chocolaty coconut fix in a much healthier form.  These little bites are so delish and very moorish, I suggest you freeze some to keep for a sweet treat on a rainy day (this may also inhibit you from consuming them all at once). 

TIME: 30 mins
SERVES: About 25 - 30 balls depending on size 


3 cups desiccated coconut (unsweetened)
1 can/400ml coconut milk (full fat)
2 tbsp coconut butter
2 tbsp maple syrup (or to taste)
200gr dark chocolate (at least 60% cocoa solids) 


In a food processor (or bowl) thoroughly combine the desiccated coconut, coconut milk, coconut butter and maple syrup

Once combined, roll into balls of about 1 desert spoon each

Place balls in the freezer/fridge to harden for at least 1 hour   

Over a bain-marie, melt your dark chocolate. 

Once the coconut balls have hardened, dip half way into your melted chocolate and set aside to harden

Store these in a sealed container, either in fridge or freezer

Try not to consume all at once!

NOTE: If you want to go completely refined sugar and dairy free, combine 4 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp cocoa powder and 2 tbsp maple syrup over a very low heat

NOTE: desiccated coconut can be found in almost every supermarket, it's relatively cheap and affordable

NOTE: store the can of coconut milk in the fridge over night before creating these balls, as the thicker cream will separate from the more liquid water. I placed all of the thicker cream in the mixture, and drizzled in a little of the water till I got the right consistency to roll balls

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do! BTW how cute is this snowflake bowl?

V x