Sunday, 28 February 2016

The Art Of Dieting Without Dieting.

Despite the fact I understand in the power of healthy, balanced eating and consistency in exercise and fitness in order to maintain a healthy, non-fluctuating body weight; I'm still a girl and I still get influenced by diets and fads, especially when I'm not really feeling 100%. I'm lucky enough to have a brother who is (almost) a fully qualified nutritionist, and more than happy to bring me back to reality when I confess I'm going to start a juice cleanse or a carb free diet. 

However, the majority of us aren't so lucky. Most people have no one to turn to for nutritional advice, so we ogle at dodgy self-confessed dietary gurus on the internet (who don't even hold a personal training qualification) and Instagram chicks who live off 20 bananas a day. Mixed signals coming in from left, right and centre about what we should and shouldn't eat, what time is best to eat or whether to even eat at all (don't you know that juicing is the way to go?!?); no wonder we have no idea what to do! 

As women, we cycle through phases of feeling like slender, elegant goddesses floating on clouds, to feeling like a baby elephant stomping through mud (thanks menstrual cycle).  We also have the tendency to go go go, which can lead to sloppy food choices and both mental and muscle fatigue.  So when you've been too busy to concentrate 100% on your diet, or there have been a few too many opportunities lately to have a few extra glasses of prosecco or that extra piece of chocolate (cough valentines day cough), rather than spunking money on an expensive juice cleanse or burning every carbohydrate in your kitchen, I have something that will help you...


What do I mean by that? Well, first of all, I could go on a rant and list things that you should eat, things you shouldn't eat. But then I would be enforcing a 'diet' on you, and a single nutritional profile is not suited to multiple people - you need to find out what works for you.  Personally, when I eat 3 home-made meals a day, with one or two snacks, including plenty of lean protein, fresh veggies, small amounts of fruit and fats and drink plenty of water, I feel good.  Others may feel better on higher carb ratio, it just depends on the personal demands of each individual.  But essentially, a balanced diet of whole foods will work well for anyone.  I believe it's important to enjoy the food you're eating too, make sure your food tastes delicious! Bland broccoli and chicken will get you abs, but it's boring as hell and who wants to eat that all day every day? Play with flavours and herbs, play with colours! The more satisfying your meals are, the less likely you'll be tempted to snack on nutritionally void foods.  

Secondly, I believe that exercise is a form of self-respect.  We've all heard it a thousand times, but you're only given one body in this life time, and I want to ensure mine is fit, strong and healthy.  And as much as exercising is great and I encourage it daily, taking some time out every now and again is not only good for the mind, it helps reduce levels of cortisol in the body and allows muscles time to recover and repair themselves.  Try and stretch every day, yoga practice is brilliant for elongating muscles, reducing chance of injury and relaxing your mind.  

So before you jump on the diet bandwagon or reach for your green juice, be honest with yourself.  Is this quick fix going to make you feel better in the long run?

I know my brother set me in the right direction this morning, I hope I can do the same for you! 

V x 

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Healthy Bounty Bites

Bounty is by far my favourite chocolate bar.  But unless I'm feeling really naughty, I can get my chocolaty coconut fix in a much healthier form.  These little bites are so delish and very moorish, I suggest you freeze some to keep for a sweet treat on a rainy day (this may also inhibit you from consuming them all at once). 

TIME: 30 mins
SERVES: About 25 - 30 balls depending on size 


3 cups desiccated coconut (unsweetened)
1 can/400ml coconut milk (full fat)
2 tbsp coconut butter
2 tbsp maple syrup (or to taste)
200gr dark chocolate (at least 60% cocoa solids) 


In a food processor (or bowl) thoroughly combine the desiccated coconut, coconut milk, coconut butter and maple syrup

Once combined, roll into balls of about 1 desert spoon each

Place balls in the freezer/fridge to harden for at least 1 hour   

Over a bain-marie, melt your dark chocolate. 

Once the coconut balls have hardened, dip half way into your melted chocolate and set aside to harden

Store these in a sealed container, either in fridge or freezer

Try not to consume all at once!

NOTE: If you want to go completely refined sugar and dairy free, combine 4 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp cocoa powder and 2 tbsp maple syrup over a very low heat

NOTE: desiccated coconut can be found in almost every supermarket, it's relatively cheap and affordable

NOTE: store the can of coconut milk in the fridge over night before creating these balls, as the thicker cream will separate from the more liquid water. I placed all of the thicker cream in the mixture, and drizzled in a little of the water till I got the right consistency to roll balls

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do! BTW how cute is this snowflake bowl?

V x 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Birthday List

It's only 25 days to my birthday, and aside from a rose gold iPhone 6S, my heart desires active wear.  I spend 80% of my life either in scrubs or gym clothes, so why wouldn't I want to look as snazzy as possible! Plus, the more active wear I have, the more outfit options I have to wear to Friday morning breakies.  

I need this sweater in my life! #scrublyf

I'm very much a monochrome girl, and the best thing about keeping it simple and basic means everything matches.  I'm loving the sporty jumpers and high waisted leggings.  As well as loose fitting shorts and strappy crop tops.   Now if I could just have their bods, that would be great!  

For more fitspo, follow my Instagram @victoriasole and my Pinterest.

V x 

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Love Is A Drug

Or at least it has a drug like affect on your body! In honour of Valentine's Day and all things heart shaped, I decided to post about the effects 'being in LOVE' has on your body! We can all recognise that warm, fuzzy feeling when we're with someone we really adore, but why does it happen?  Basically it comes down to science (as does everything)...

1. Your Heart Flutters

Seeing someone you love (especially in the early days) will cause the adrenal gland to release adrenaline, epinephrine and norepinephrine to be pumped around your body by your blood.  In return, your heart beats quicker. 

2. Butterflies In Your Stomach

This happens because the adrenaline is sent to your lungs, muscles and brain.  Blood is diverted away from the stomach, and so it may feel a little strange, hence the butterflies! 

3. You're Happy 

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter released in the body during times of euphoria.  Studies have shown that dopamine is released when one experiences feelings of love, making us feel happy and that good things are coming!

4. Obsessive 

Even the coolest of us will admit that when we've fallen in love, we've become obsessed with that person.  Studies have shown that those who have recently fallen in love have significantly lower levels of serotonin, which is also found in those with obsessive compulsive disorder.  These low levels of serotonin may also influence our libido, increasing it significantly....

5. Kissing Is The Best Stress Relief

It has been found in those newer lovers, that their cortisol (stress hormone) levels are significantly higher.  However, it has been proved that kissing can reduce cortisol levels significantly. All the more reason to pucker up! 

6. You'll Live Longer! 

Studies have shown that being married to someone you love can increase a woman's life expectancy by 2 years, and a man's by 7! You know what Queen B would say boys, if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it! 

Remember, just because you may have not found your soul mate just yet, doesn't mean you can't enjoy Valentine's Day. To me, Valentine's Day should be a celebration of love in every form, whether it be with family, friends, your pets or your self.  Use it as an excuse to eat chocolate, laugh with your favourite people and tell them how much you care about them! And if all else fails to make you feel great, remember tomorrow chocolate will be half price! 

Big Love

V x 

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Matcha Energy Balls

The top level of my fridge is dedicated to a variety of supplements and powders, that often get overlooked for weeks at a time.  The other day I rediscovered my Matcha powder, and decided to throw together these scrumptious little energy bites (plus, I've borrowed my boyfriend's mum's food processor and its really good).  

TIME: 20 mins
SERVES: About 25 - 30 balls (depending on how big you make them)


3/4 cup raw cashews
1/2 cup almond meal
1/2 cup desiccated unsweetened coconut
3 tbsp coconut butter
3 tbsp date syrup 
2 tsp matcha powder (plus another tsp for dusting)
1 tbsp coconut water


In your food processor, pulse up the cashews, almond meal and coconut.

While the processor is on low, slowly pour in the coconut butter (you may need to melt it a little in the microwave).  I will share a very easy and inexpensive way to make coconut butter shortly. 

Next, pour in the date syrup. You can buy this in jars, ready made, in Dubai; but anywhere else, simply soak your pitted dates in warm water for an hour or so, then blend up with a little of the water to create a syrup.

Add the matcha powder (you may need to scrape down the sides with a spatula) and only add the coconut water if you feel the mixture is a little dry.  

Once everything is combined and relatively smooth, use your hand to make little balls, using a teaspoon amount of mixture per ball. 

Once you've made all your balls, take a small, deep bowl and put the extra teaspoon of matcha powder in the bottom.  One by one, toss the little balls around in the powder so they get a nice, even coating.  

Store in the fridge (or in the freezer) in an air tight container.  

Just 2 or 3 of these little green monsters will help boost your metabolism and energy levels and keep hunger at bay! Enjoy! 

V x    

Metabolism - The Fire That Keeps On Burning

Most of us have heard of Metabolism.  Metabolism is your internal furnace that helps convert nutrients and minerals into energy to help us grow and survive.  For our metabolism to work effectively, we need to fuel it.  Many things can affect the rate of our metabolism, as expected, everyone's acts individually and differently.  Generally those with more muscle, the male species and the younger generation have a faster basal metabolic rate.  Your basal metabolic rate is your body's ability to burn calories at rest.  

Aside from metabolism, a couple of other things influence our ability to burn calories.  Thermogenesis (or food processing) burns calories, simply digesting, transporting and absorbing the food we eat every day.  Physical activity obviously also burns calories.  

So why are we talking about metabolism? I know a lot of people (girls usually) who are in the business of trying to lose weight.  They embark on juice detoxes, crash diets and restrictive meal plans to quickly drop kilos, but what they don't realise is they could be seriously affecting their metabolism in the long term. Aside from that, crash diets and starvation usually result in more weight gained when returning to their normal diet.  We can't soley blame metabolism on weight gain, but one thing's for sure, those with inherently hot as hell metabolisms are usually naturally slender.  Obviously we know the not-so-secret secret to losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume, but for long term weight stability, one's metabolism must work to the optimum.  

So, I've put together the ways in which I boosted my own metabolism, when it became sluggish a few years ago.  

1. Start Training Weights

Yes, I know the thought of lifting weights can set girls into a frenzy, but the more muscle mass you have, the greater your ability to burn calories.  Women usually have a preconceived notion that cardio is the way to go when trying to drop the Kgs, but what they don't realise is your body will soon become used to long jogs or cycles, meaning that in order to burn more calories you have to start running/cycling further and further.  Instead, a way to consistently feel the burn, is to train at a high intensity in intervals. HIIT training keeps your body guessing, by constantly pushing it to the limit and revving up energy demand.  Training this way will not only tone you up, but it will help boost your metabolism and increase the resting metabolic rate.  

2. Green Tea

The active ingredient in green tea, catechin, has been found to help increase metabolism.  It may increase the body's thermogenesis, however, for it to have an effect, 5 cups a day is required to have a positive impact.  I don't know about you, but that sounds like a lot of green tea to me, so instead, I take green tea supplements on days that I'm unable to drink it.  

3. Don't Starve Yourself

NOTE: This is not an invitation to stuff your face with all sorts of 'good fats' and 'lean proteins' and 'slow energy release carbs'.  You still need to be mindful of what you eat.  If you cut calories completely, your body goes into starvation mode (natural instincts) and holds onto every last bit of energy (fat and calories) it can. When you can't manage to control your urges and binge on carb fuelled, fat laiden snacks, your body will still be in starvation mode, and it will still cling on to those calories...basically you'll be back at square 1.  So instead of starving yourself and restricting your diet, eat well and regularly. Don't let yourself 'starve' or get too hungry.  Consume plenty of vegetables, complex carbohydrates and lean protein as such foods increase your thermogenesis as they can take a little longer to digest.  

4. Eat Breakfast 

With that said, make sure you eat breakfast. A protein and nutrient rich breakfast will kick start your metabolism, and set you up for a day of healthy choices. Avoid sugary foods for breakfast, as it will cause a spike in insulin release.  Caffiene can also cause a spike in blood sugar levels, so probably best to drink it after breakfast, once your blood glucose levels have stabilised.  Eating breakfast is like putting that first piece of wood on a pile of burning embers, it kick starts a fire that will keep burning strong throughout the day.

5. Drink Cold Water 

We all know we should drink plenty of water to keep our bodies hydrated, but it has been found that drinking cold water demands your body to warm it up to body temp.  This can help increase your thermogenesis.  Drinking plenty of water can also keep hunger at bay, preventing one from unnecessary snacking.  Remember that thirst is often mistaken for hunger, so have a good gulp of water before reaching for that mid morning snack! 

Finally, my tip to you is to be realistic.  If you know you're gaining weight but don't understand why, take a good hard look at what you're actually putting into your body.  Exercising is great, not just physically but mentally.  But if you really want to look good naked, you need to be mindful about what you eat.  Keep a food diary, it often helps to discover if you're unconsciously snacking and not realising.  Abs are made in the kitchen after all.

I'm off to chuck another piece of wood on the fire (eat lunch). 

V x