Tuesday 15 March 2016

Where Does Time Go?

This isn't one of my usual posts. It's not about health or fitness or food or science. It's more nostalgic. More of an acknowledgment. 

Yesterday was my birthday, and it made me realise how fast this last year has gone, how fast every year has gone. 

We are all so busy working towards things, waiting for pages to turn, anticipating what's to come. The thing is, in all of this anticipation and all those countdowns, we miss out on what's happening right now. It sounds so cliché, but we all need to step back at times and just live in the moment.  

Wishing away time can make us miss out on the great everyday things that are happening right now

Yesterday was probably one of the best days I've ever had. I got to spend it with my boyfriend and my mum, doing all my favourite things. I didn't want the day to end. But it did, and though today I'm back at work and back to real life, at least I woke up this morning and everything was good. Everyone I care about is healthy and happy and life is pretty damn great. Sure, I'm not jetting through the Carribean on my yacht, or drinking wine all day in a vineyard somewhere in France, but life is pretty damn privileged for me. 

So before we start complaining about petty little things, remember that our right now is pretty awesome.  Let's stop wishing away work days and counting down till the holiday season.  If you're truly not happy with your right now, then do something about it. I've said it so many times before, but life is too bloody short. Our right now might just be our last right now, so make it worthwhile. 

Find the privilege in going into work every day - some people are jobless and homeless, at least we have a roof over our heads and can put food on the table. And for the same reason, make sure the food is delicious!! Remember that although we might not enjoy going to that aerobics class, at least our bodies are capable and healthy! 

It's one thing that I'm definitely trying to train myself to do - being thankful and being present. For the next 364 days I will try and stay positive, because I never know who could benefit from it, never mind myself.

So even if time does seem to pass quickly, at least I've embraced every second of it!

Happy Tuesday. 

V x