Sunday, 11 December 2016

Staying Healthy This Festive Season

It really is the most wonderful time of the year. Everyone is jolly, family and friends are coming together, and in Dubai, the weather is amazing.  The only thing that may suffer this festive season is our waistlines.  The Christmas Kilo (or four) is a very common occurrence, and this is why the fitness and diet industry always boom in January - everyone wants to work off their sins!  But as far as I'm concerned, my first priority over the festive period is having a good time, so here are 3 tips to avoiding those Christmas Kilos, without having to miss out! 

1) Exercise

This may seem incredibly obvious, but one way to hold unwanted kgs at bay is to get sweaty.  For those who already exercise regularly, fitting in a couple of extra workouts a week should do the trick. But remember, not everything has to be high intensity...sometimes the best thing to do is, quite literally, stretch.  Over the festive period I try to attend more hot yoga classes, for a couple of reasons.  Firstly, I feel like my body needs a deep, sweaty stretch out to help keep water retention and sore muscles at bay.  Secondly, it makes me feel good; and that's really all that matters.  Even if it's just an extra walk around the block after dinner, keep moving this festive season!

2) Eat & Drink Mindfully

Those who know me well, know I have an undying love for snack food, and at Christmas this is in full force.  It also seems that people eat out more often at this time of year.  I would never say no to a mince pie or quality street, but I do ensure that I'm eating healthy, balanced meals around 80% of the time.  One way of doing this is starting the day right.  Make sure your breakie has a balance of lean protein (maybe eggs?), fibre (veg) and fats (avocado?).  Try and fit in a fresh salad with lean protein and plenty of veg for lunch.  That way, come dinner time, you've had your fair share of veg for the day, and you can be a little more lenient with your dinner choices.  

The jolly festive season usually involves more drinking (hello mulled wine).  Unless you're a total scrooge, theres not a lot of ways around this.  Instead of avoiding alcohol, make sure you're making 'lighter' choices and ensure you're drinking enough water to keep headaches at bay.  Try to increase your water intake by another litre per day. Not only will this reduce hangovers, but it will stop you from over eating too.  It's true what they say - usually your 'hunger' is actually thirst.  So reach for the H2O first...and then if you're still hungry go for the tin of Quality Street ;) 

3) Rest

Probably my favourite part of Christmas is that it's socially acceptable to wear pyjamas and Christmas jumpers all day.  Make the most of your time at home, get plenty of rest and a good night's sleep as often as possible.  Unless you're running around like a mad elf trying to buy last minute Christmas presents, the festive season is usually a feel-good time, so make the most of the happy hormones and say goodbye to stress! If you're chilled and happy you'll find it surprisingly easy to keep the kilos at bay! 

Happy Holidays everybody! 

V x

Sunday, 16 October 2016


What Is It?

Coconut Oil is derived from (you guessed it) the flesh of mature coconuts.  This edible oil has endless benefits and can be used in far more than just cooking.  It contains an abundance of anti-oxidants, medium chain triglycerides, lauric, caprylic and capric acid.  Basically it's a power house.  

Why Is It Super?

As I've already mentioned, coconut oil can be used in so many different ways, in order to improve our health.  These include: 

1) Skin & Hair Care.  The medium chain triglycerides (AKA MTA) in coconut oil act as a deep conditioning agent for both our hair and skin.  As well as deep moisturising, coconut oil can protect the skin from environmental damage, anti-aging and eczema (thank you anti-inflammatory properties!).  It has also been known to reduce dandruff and promote hair growth! Win for the mermaid hair! 

2) Build Immunity & Fight Infections.  Coconut oil contains natural antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal and anti-parasitic properties that help fight off infections and increase immunity.  Lauric acid (only found in breast milk besides coconut oil!) has been found to help fight of even strong bacterial and viral infections, including HIV and hepatitis C! 

3) Improve Heart Health.  We've all heard it, people exclaiming that coconut oil has a high fat content.  They aren't wrong, there is a high fat content, but this fat has actually been found to reduce cholesterol and reduce the chance of heart attack or high blood pressure! 

4) Improves Digestion & Promotes Weight Loss. Woo! The one we've all been waiting for! Fatty acids found in coconut oil destroy candida in the gut, which has been found to promote weight gain,  carbohydrate cravings and fatigue. It also promotes digestion, and takes stress off those with diabetes, pancreas/gall bladder issues or obesity, as the triglycerides are small enough to be easily digested! 

6) Hormone Balancing.  Coconut oil supports thyroid function (one of the crucial hormone glands in your body), which helps balance hormones, therefore basically every function in your body.  It has been found to naturally lower cortisol (that stress hormone), in turn regulating hormones and their functions. 

How Do I Incorporate It Into My Diet?

For a start, start using coconut oil in your bathroom.  Yes, you read that right.  I use coconut oil as a night moisturiser for my face, a hair mask, a pimple destroyer, and when my body is in need of a deep moisturise.  I have also tried oil pulling (where you swirl coconut oil around your mouth for 20 minutes), which admittedly is a gross sensation as its pretty warm by the end, but it does make your teeth and gums feel cleaner!  Take it from a dentist!

In the kitchen, coconut oil can be utilised in so many ways.  I use it mostly for frying or baking (try to buy it in a spray can, this will help you control calories) but I also use it when I'm feeling a little run down. If you wake up feeling a little sluggish, make a big cup of warm lemon water and stir in a teaspoon of coconut oil.  I promise it will revitalise you, and also get your gut going...if ya know what I mean...

So buy incorporating coconut oil into your daily life, your body will thank you for it, from the inside out.  Just make sure you're buying organic un-refined cold-pressed extra-virgin coconut oil to gain the maximum benefits.  You'll soon be coco-nutty about it (see what I did there?).

V x

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Mini Pumpkin & Tumeric Doughnuts

Seeing as the month of October is now upon us, and we're loving all things pumpkin, golden and that go bump in the night, I thought I'd experiment with some canned pumpkin.  I have also recently purchased a miniature doughnut tray (cutest thing ever) so why not throw the two concepts together and make some mini pumpkin doughnuts?! And because tumeric is my superfood of the week, why not incorporate that too? And of course they're gluten free & dairy free!

TIME: 15 minutes prep, 15 minutes baking 
MAKES: 36 mini doughnuts


1/2 cup canned pumpkin, unsweetened
2 whole eggs
100ml almond milk, unsweetened
2 tbsp pure maple syrup 
1 tbsp coconut sugar 
1 pinch organic vanilla bean extract 
1 tsp cinnamon 
1 tsp tumeric powder
3/4 cup almond meal
1 tbsp coconut oil 
1 tsp baking powder 
1 tsp cream of tartar 
coconut oil spray to grease the doughnut tray


Pre-heat the oven to 180*C and spray your doughnut tray with coconut oil spray to grease it

Using a large bowl and a whisk, combine the eggs, almond milk, maple syrup, vanilla bean, coconut sugar, coconut oil, cinnamon and tumeric. Mix until well combined

Add in the canned pumpkin, making sure it is completely combined with the wet ingredients

Mix in the remaining ingredients (baking powder, cream of tartar and almond meal), which will create a thick but still runny batter

Transfer the batter to a large piping bag, and pipe the batter into the doughnut tray, filling to about 3/4 of the depth.  Note that you will probably have to do this 3 times considering the amount of batter, and that each mini doughnut tray usually only holds 12 doughnuts!

Bake for around 15 minutes, or until slightly golden.  Place on a cooling rack, and remember to re-grease the pan if reusing

They're so tiny!
The doughnuts can be eaten plain, or do what I did with some and dip them in melted dark chocolate and desiccated coconut (obviously this makes them no longer dairy free!). They will store in the fridge for up to a week, or pop them in the freezer to reheat when you feel like eating something cute! 

Stay tuned for more pumpkin recipes! 

V x 

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Sunday, 9 October 2016


What Is It?

Tumeric is a plant that is part of the ginger family, native to Southern Asia.  For consuming, tumeric is dried and usually in powder form that is deep orange and golden in colour.  It has a peppery aroma and sharp, almost curry flavour.  Although tumeric is mostly used as a spice in curries, it has many more applications and plenty of health benefits! 

Why Is It Super?

Tumeric has so many medicinal properties and health benefits that I insist you include it in your diet. Here's the top 6 benefits: 

1) Cancer Prevention.  Studies have found that tumeric can actually decrease tumour cell activity, protect against cell damage due to radiation, and actually stop the growth of existing prostate cancer!

2) Reduces Inflammation.  The anti-inflammatory properties of tumeric have been found to reduce inflammation, especially in cases of joint inflammation like arthritis.  Combine that with it's antioxidant properties, which destroy the free-radicals in the body that damage cells.  So if you've got swollen ankles from a long run, or swollen fingers from too much writing, make sure you're incorporating tumeric! 

3) Controls Blood Sugar.  Tumeric has the ability to moderate insulin levels and improve blood-glucose control. It's regularly used to help control diabetes. 

4) Immunity Booster.  All the antibacterial, antiviral and anti fungal properties help keep our immune system in tip top condition! A big yes in flu season! It can also be used to help heal wounds and reduce infection in small wounds and burns.  It has also been known to help treat psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.  

5) Weight Management.  Tumeric can increase bile flow, which helps to break down and emulsify fats.  By incorporating tumeric into your diet, you can maintain or even lose weight! It will also improve digestion and reduce bloating and gas.  

6) Improve Liver Function.  Tumeric can act as a natural liver detoxifier (very useful after a few too many...) which in turn helps to detox the blood due to an increase in vital enzymes.  It has also been found to improve blood circulation.  

How Do I Incorporate It Into My Diet?

Incorporating tumeric is much easier than it seems. I eat it every day, sprinkling a tablespoon into my scrambled eggs before cooking.  Side note, also adding cracked black pepper into said eggs, will increase the absorption of tumeric and therefore increase the benefits.  I also like to use it with chicken or fish to add a curry flavour.  Basically I put it in just about everything. Not a lie.   

It's also great in mango smoothies, adding not only vibrance in colour, but a spicy kick too.  Tumeric tea is a popular choice, mixing tumeric powder with honey, warm water and warm coconut or almond milk.  It's great for settling stomachs and relieving cold symptoms.  


I've also used tumeric in a face mask, combining it with a little coconut oil and honey and lathering it on. Beware of this one however, as it will turn literally ANYTHING orange! Do not use your fluffy white towels to dry your face afterwards! People will think you've had the wrong kind of run in with a cheeto! But it does your skin wonders, reducing red marks and calming angry pimples.

Any who, give tumeric a go!

Happy Sunday! 

V x 

NOTE: All photos from Pinterest. x

Wednesday, 21 September 2016


Stress. It can make or break you.  I know some people who thrive off stress.  These are the people who leave assignments till the last minute, or the people who are always SUPER BUSY (you know those people!).  The people who are always surrounded by drama.  I have to be honest and say that I am partly one of these people.  I'm never really satisfied unless my day starts early and I end it knackered.  I enjoy being busy and I actually feel like I'm more energised when I'm constantly go go go.  

But there is a big difference between being busy and being STRESSED.  Stress is a funny thing. It's subjective to everyone. Something that might stress me out, may not have an effect on you.  Sometimes a little stress is a good thing.  It can motivate you to get your butt in gear and get things done.  But prolonged exposure to stressful situations is never a good thing.  Too much stress will break you, it's just a matter of when.  

According to science (my fave <3), stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of damage or threat. This causes the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. I also believe that emotional distress, either acute or chronic, will affect one's stress levels, no matter the type or severity of the emotional trauma that has been inflicted.  Like I've said, different people can deal with different amounts and types of stressful situations.  

Stress is a fact of life. It's gonna happen. No one can get through life without experiencing a stressful situation, no matter how laid back they are. So how do we deal with it? In the past month to 6 weeks, I've been in a few stressful situations (which is probably why I haven't been blogging much).  Most of it has been work related, but there's also been the addition of a few social/family related incidences that haven't helped.  These are the ways I've tried to get through them, and some of these might help you too!

1. Proactively Deal With The Stressor

OK, so this one is easier said that done. But here's an example: I needed to quickly get my working visa sorted out, so instead of sitting back and seeing how long it would take, I had to be proactive and call up every day, pay the extra fees, visit the visa centre.  I couldn't just sit back.  Being proactive will also distract you from the fact that you are stressed out, because you will at least feel like you've accomplished something.  Another example, if a friend is causing you some stress because of something they're doing, then just approach them about it!! After all, if you're real friends it shouldn't affect your relationship, it will simply help the situation. Or if you can't deal with confrontation, then no body said you have to be around then 24/7! 

2. Take A Bath

Aaaah baths.  There's something about the simplicity of floating naked in nice smelling water, surrounded by bubbles that will instantly make you feel at ease.  Throw in some candles, a face mask and some chilled out tunes, and you're well on your way to sanity and bliss.  

3. Be Careful What You Eat

Ok so the fun thing about stress hormones is that they can play havoc with your body. Diverting blood away from your digestive system and to the critical organs, means that you need to be very careful with what you put in your body. Think of it this way: you're on holiday, chilled out and relaxed, and you decide that you want an ice cream (standard) but you're usually dairy intolerant.  Yes, you may get a little bloated, but hell that ice cream was delicious and you don't care! Ok, revert back to your stressful situation/period and you're not careful and end up eating a cheese sandwich because you're on the go and that's the first thing you grabbed. What happens? Well, aside from extremely uncomfortable bloating and diarrhoea, you've just managed to put yourself in an even worse mood! That's your stress hormones contributing to a shitty digestive system and more pain and discomfort. So just be careful.  By now most of us know what we can and can't eat and what makes us feel good, so stick to the feel good foods and all will be OK!

4. Do Some Yoga

What else can I say about yoga other than it is one of the BEST ways to help you put things into perspective and chill. the. F. out. I would say exercise to reduce stress, but things like running can often increase your cortisol levels.  Yoga (or hot yoga if you're like me and love to sweat) is a wonderful way to get your body moving and blood pumping, whilst at the same time helping to balance out your hormones to help you relax.  If you're lucky, you might just fall asleep in the savasana too! 

5. Get Enough Rest

This one should be a given, but often in stressful situations we don't get enough hours of decent sleep a night. A trick to help you is take a magnesium supplement just before lights out; it has been found to help reduce cortisol levels, as well as relax your muscles.  This is something I've been doing for the past week or so, and I have been sleeping through the night and waking up feeling a lot more refreshed than usual

6. Get Away From It All

This is probably the best tip of them all.  When things are getting so stressful they become overwhelming, and you're starting to feel really down, then the best thing to do is to get away.  Go alone, or with your loved one and just escape. A little bit of time out is sometimes all we need to replenish and revitalise.  Turn your phone off, things can wait.  And remember what you want and why you want it. I promise you, once you're back to reality life will seem a whole lot easier and more worthwhile.  

Namasté homies. Peace out.   

V x 

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

3 Nights In Vienna

Recently I was lucky enough to be whisked away by Liam to Vienna & Budapest (well he didn't actually whisk me away but it was all his idea and he actually planned most of the holiday, which was fab 'cause I've been trés stressed lately).  

Neither of us had been to Vienna or Budapest before, so we really didn't know what to expect.  I have been to Austria before when I was much younger on a school trip, but that was for skiing so I didn't experience much of the bigger cities.  

Firstly, we flew into Vienna.  We stayed at the Mecure (side note: there are about 6 Mecure Hotels in Vienna alone, so initially we were taken to the wrong hotel...oops) which definitely wasn't like the 4 star hotels one is used to after living in Dubai for 23 years, but it was in a great location, it was clean and we got a free upgrade, so I wasn't complaining!  There was plenty of room for me to bust out a morning sweat circuit to prepare myself for a day of eating! 

Vienna as a city is beautiful. It has endless architectural masterpieces that honestly make you stop and gasp, and the Danube river runs along it's eastern perimeter.  Definitely make your way into St. Stephen's Cathedral; if you're lucky you'll catch the choir singing, and it truly is a goose bump moment.  Hofburg Palace is also beautiful, and I would highly recommend visiting the Natural History Museum if you're a massive geek like me!  The Austrian Parliament Building is pretty majestic also; and make sure you explore out of the centre of the city and into the Museumsquartier, which is where you'll see the Votive Church (we were told by a taxi driver that last year someone climbed to the top and was arrested!).  

One thing I would recommend to see is an Opera.  Vienna is famous for it's art and music, and there are so many concerts and operas on all year round.  Just one handy hint - buy your tickets in advance and make sure it's in English!! Otherwise you may be sitting there very confused! 

Now to the important part - the food.  We (and by we I mostly mean Liam) did. not. stop. eating. The food in Vienna is pretty amazing, with an obvious Middle Eastern influence.  The Viennese are famous for their pastries and cakes, so we took it upon ourselves to try them all (duh).  Obviously the apple strudel was fab (we'll come to that later) but there's also a chocolate and apricot jam cake called Sachertorte, which was all time; and filled brioche with either poppy seeds or crushed walnuts that was also scrummy.   Head over to Cafe Central to try their famous apple strudel! 

For a more savoury snack, the bratwhurst sausages were our go to.  If you're like me and you enjoy a good sausage now and again (lol sorry there's no other way to put that!) then you will LOVE Vienna.  There's little stands all over the place, selling sizzling sausages for no more than 4 Euro.  If you're going all out, then opt for a sausage in a roll, if you're saving your carbs for chocolate cake then opt for a sliced sausage.  Note - no sausage snack is complete without tomato sauce, mustard, sauerkraut and a gherkin! 

If you're a food lover like me, then visiting the Naschmarket is a must.  Not only is there plenty of trendy little cafes to chose from (we tried a couple out for breakfast and they were both fab) but there are endless stalls of fresh fruit and veg, nuts, olives, tepanades, spices, sauces, dried fruits, seafood, stuffed peppers, breads, wines...the list goes on and on.  We bought so many little snacks to keep us going (like we weren't consuming enough already HA!) but mainly is was just to taste everything on offer! 

For dinner, we tried out a couple of traditional Viennese restaurants.  The first night Liam had Weiner Schnitzel and I had an enormous piece of salmon with veg and these delicious potatoes cooked in butter and parsley.  The second night I had the famous beef goulash with a Viennese dumpling, and for once in my life I couldn't finish it! Liam had pork and dumplings, and even he was defeated.  They are definitely not shy on portion size in Vienna! 

Vienna is a wonderful, laid back city with a great vibe. The people are really friendly and always happy to help.  Definitely a go to in my eyes! With maybe 1 or 2 more days we could have seen the further perimeters of the city, but it was great any way! 

Stay tuned for my next post on Budapest! 

V x 

Monday, 15 August 2016

Black Bean Brownies!

OK, so there a tonne of recipes going around for black bean brownies at the moment, so I thought I'd create my own, and surprisingly, it worked! Don't be mislead by the black beans, you can't taste them at all once they're baked.  Plus, this recipe is sugar and dairy free, so everyone can give it a go! 

TIME: 10 minutes prep, 35 minutes baking
MAKES: 16 brownies 


1 can of black beans, rinsed & drained
3 very ripe bananas 
2 eggs 
100ml almond milk
2 tbsp Wetherspoons sugar free chocolate sauce 
4 tbsp cocoa powder 
1 scoop chocolate protein powder 
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup oat flour 
1 cup almond flour 
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips 

Another 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips and 1/2 cup ground almonds for on top 


Pre-heat the oven to 180*C, and grease and line a 16cmx16cm baking tin with coconut oil and baking sheet

In a food processor, first blend the black beans and banana, then adding in the other ingredients one by one

Instead of processing, stir in the chocolate chips (so they don't break up)

Pour the mixture into the baking tin, then sprinkle with ground walnuts and more chocolate chips

At this point, take a chopstick (or something pointy) and gently swirl in some of the walnuts on top, so that they don't all fall off during eating and are slightly combined with the top of the brownie mixture

Bake in the oven for about 35 minutes (or until a tooth pick comes out relatively clean)

Cut into 16 squares and enjoy warm! 

These will keep in the fridge for about 5 days, or freeze then reheat to enjoy (that's if you don't eat them all at once!) 

These are honestly some of the most moist, yummy brownies I've ever tasted! 

V x 

Sunday, 7 August 2016

A Spirulina A Day Keeps The Doctor Away...

I'm not going to sugar coat this, my daily shot of spirulina tastes awful. Every morning I mix 1/4 teaspoon of spirulina powder with enough water to fill a shot glass (my Mexico shot glass - classy gal) and try and get it down my throat as fast as possible.  You may ask why I torture myself...well basically the benefits of spirulina far out way the taste (not exaggerating, it makes wheatgrass taste like sweet nectar). 

So what is spirulina? Basically it's a type of algae formed in warm, alkaline lakes in Africa as well as Central and South America.  What we eat is dried and comes in a powder form.  The alkalinic properties of this algae contains a tonne of chlorophyll giving it it's dark green colour, which makes it an extremely powerful detoxifier. 

 Many studies have found it to be effective at detoxing heavy metals (including arsenic) from the body, helping to improve the blood health.  It has also been found to eliminate Candida, the bacteria that can cause yeast infections, as well as disrupt the microfloral balance of the gut contributing to leaky gut syndrome and other digestive disorders.  It can reduce nasal congestion, so make sure you hit it up when you're feeling fluey!

As well as helping to detox the body, spirulina has been found to promote production of anti-bodies, anti-inflammatories and infection fighting proteins in the body, which in turn can improve our immunity.  It's even been found to affect cancer cells, helping to reduce the growth and development of cancer.  Finally on the medical front, it has been found to reduce cholesterol and decrease blood pressure.  This in turn reduces the chance of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.  

Personally, I've found spirulina to boost my energy.  I'm not a coffee drinker, but before my daily spirulina shots, I would get a little drowsy mid morning, despite doing everything 'right'.  For me, it has also reduced bloating (thanks to balancing my gut flora) and I have seen a little weight loss in the past couple of weeks, but that may also be due to a slightly improved eating plan.  

My main reason for starting to take spirulina, however, is my liver health.  Spirulina has been found to improve liver health and function, most likely due to it's ability to help purify the blood and eliminate toxins from the body.  Our liver acts a lot like a cleansing system for our bodies.  It stores excess fat, processes antibiotics and medications, and of course, eliminates alcohol from our blood stream.  Years of 'abusing' your liver can have severely detrimental effects, so a shot of spirulina can seriously help the liver out and improve your health.  

Now, what we've all been waiting for....spirulina has been found to aid in weight loss!!  It is thought to reduce appetite (I would definitely agree with that) due to it's high protein content and 18 essential amino acids.  It is best consumed in the morning, on an empty stomach before breakfast.  Obviously, following a healthy diet and exercising regularly will help you reach your health goals, but by incorporating spirulina daily, your results will be even better.  

So man up, hold your nose and chuck that green goodness down your throat! 

V x 

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Eliminate 'Can't' From Your Vocabulary

Recently I recognised a pattern amongst those who fail at 'dieting' and are constantly complaining about weight loss (or lack of): they like to eliminate things and restrict themselves.  Persistent dieters are constantly saying they 'can't eat this' or they 'can't eat that'.  I mean, I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure whenever I'm told I can't do something, I want to do it.  And it doesn't take a genius to work out that those who rely on restrictive dieting to lose weight never manage to keep it off.  

So maybe it's time to take a different approach. Perhaps instead of chaining up our desires (only to resulting in more desire) we start to look at all the things we CAN do.  

For example....

Instead of 'I can't eat carbs if I'm trying to lose weight' saying 'I can eat lots of yummy protein to help satiate my appetite'

Instead of 'I can't run 6km in this heat, it's too hard' saying 'I can enjoy this fun aerobics class with pumping music'

Instead of 'I can't exercise today because I have a busy day at work' saying 'I can wake up for an early morning yoga class to relax me before this busy day ahead'

Instead of 'I can't be sociable this weekend because I'm not drinking' saying 'We can chill by the pool and cook a BBQ this weekend!'

You get the point....

One thing to remember though, if you are on a weight loss journey or just into looking after yourself physically and mentally,  don't turn too many 'cans' into opportunities to have a cheat day or get out of exercising! The whole point is to put a positive spin on a healthy lifestyle (aside from the obvious positives that are obtained when eating well, exercising regularly and being sociable).  

And trust me, the less you start saying you can't do things, the more things you are able to do! 
You can do it! 

V x 

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Feel Good Cruising

Part of the reason I've been MIA lately is the uninspiring 40* summer heat in Dubai, as well as a busy work schedule.  But mostly because I've been CRUISING! Yes, you read that right. A 26 year old on a cruise. I know what you think, cruises are usually packed with retirees and young families (you're not wrong, I didn't meet many other 20 somethings that weren't staff), but it was a family get away, so I decided to make the most out of a week of not having to cook, clean or do any laundry! Plus the fact that we got to cruise around the Mediterranean and visit places like Sardinia, Marseille, Mallorca and Barcelona (my personal fave).  

Another preconception of cruising is putting on weight.  All those days spent lounging by the (crowded) pool sipping pina coladas, endless gelato stops (only to determine which city does them best, of course) and nightly 4 course meals is delightful, but I knew it would leave me feeling pretty sorry for myself, overindulged and not so confident in my hot pink bikini.  

So here are some tips to staying in top shape during your cruise, while still enjoying yourself! 

Take The Stairs

The first thing we all committed to was always taking the stairs.  If you've never experienced a cruise before, the ships are HUGE, with multiple floors and looooooong corridors.  My brother and I were staying on floor 8, our parents below on 7.  The spa was located on floor 14 and the main restaurant on floor 3.  So as you can imagine, we climbed A LOT of stairs in 7 days! And you'll honestly be surprised how much exercise you actually achieve doing this! I feel like my legs are definitely more toned ;)  Aside from taking the stairs, I found that we walked at least 20000 steps a day (thanks to my Dad's fitbit) just exploring beach side towns, which is a far cry from sitting in an office all day every day! 

Drink Plenty Of Water

When there are so many tempting cocktails at your disposal, it is important to stay hydrated.  I tried to drink at least 3 litres of water a day, just by carrying a bottle wherever I went.  TIP: if you join the spa, they generally have lemon and fruit infused water that is super tasty! I stocked up on that daily! Drinking plenty of water will keep you energised, stop you from over-eating, as well as do your body endless favours.  

Enjoy The Spa

One of my favourite parts of the ship was definitely the spa.  There were private tanning areas (away from shrieking French children), jacuzzies, hot stone beds, saunas and steam rooms at our disposal.  I was also spoilt with two treatments (both full body massages) that were heavenly.  If you live a busy life, this is the ultimate relaxation and is definitely worth the expense.  An afternoon at the spa helped me de-stress and relax, giving me time to myself. The massages worked wonders on my forever aching muscles as well, perfect if you're sporting a long-standing ache or pain!

Eat Your Veg

Aaaah, the food.  With enormous buffets spanning half the length of the ship, there was plenty of temptation to gorge on pizza, burgers, chips, pasta and pastries all week long.  Knowing that I wanted to enjoy yummy treats like gelato or macarons daily, I tried to eat well at meal times.  This meant taking advantage of the fresh veggies and delicious protein prepared daily.  Think whole baked salmons, steamed mussels and huge grilled prawns......yuuummm!

Enjoy, It's A Holiday After All!

At the end of the day, it is important to enjoy yourself, try new foods, have a crisp G&T in a trendy cafe and taste every gelato in Europe! Holidays are meant to be a break from reality, a time to really enjoy yourself.   If you do put on a little weight or miss a few days training, it's no big deal.  If anything, it will motivate you to get back into a routine of training well and eating well.  The most important thing is to be happy, and not-so-surprisingly, your body will react positively to the good vibes.  

Happy Cruisin'
(And btw, the best gelato is in Mallorca!!)

V x 

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Kale & Cherry Tomato Breakfast Loaf

Every morning I try and get some greens and some protein in me, to give me energy to power through my day. However, I'm one of those people who likes things quick and easy, tasty, and with minimum clean up.  This loaf is packed with vitamins and provides strong alkalising properties, but also tastes pretty yum! 

Kale is already renowned as a super food, packed with iron, calcium and vitamin C.  It also provides anti-inflammatory properties, and the all mighty antioxidants.  Cherry tomatoes are not only packed full of sweet, delicious flavour, they too provide strong antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties as well as being great for improving bone health, thanks to vitamin K and vitamin C.  We all know how fab eggs are, brilliant sources of protein to help maintain a healthy weight and strong muscles.  However, eggs are an acidic food, so best to pair it with dark leafy greens, tomatoes and, my all time fave, turmeric.   Turmeric's health benefits are endless. From anti-inflammatory, to analgesic, to antibacterial and aiding fat metabolism, the list goes on and on!

TIME: 10 mins prep, 45 mins cooking
Serves: 8 servings 


14 free range whole eggs 
6 - 8 stalks of kale
2 cups cherry tomatoes 
3/4 tbsp turmeric
1 tsp paprika 
1/2 tbsp ground black pepper 
pinch of himalayan pink sea salt 
organic coconut oil spray (to line loaf tin)


Preheat the oven to 200*C

Stem and chop up the kale, and half the cherry tomatoes, then pop them into the greased loaf tin

In a large bowl, whisk together all 14 large eggs, combining in turmeric, paprika, ground black pepper and a pinch of sea salt

Pour the eggs over the kale and cherry tomatoes, ensuring all the egg is evenly spread throughout the loaf tin

Bake in the oven for about 45 mins, or until a skewer comes out clean

Allow to cool, transfer out of the loaf tin, and slice into 8 even pieces

This can be stored in a freezer, and simply reheated in the microwave for a couple of minutes before serving

Mix it up and spread with avocado or goats cheese, to add some healthy, satiating fats


V x