Sunday 9 October 2016


What Is It?

Tumeric is a plant that is part of the ginger family, native to Southern Asia.  For consuming, tumeric is dried and usually in powder form that is deep orange and golden in colour.  It has a peppery aroma and sharp, almost curry flavour.  Although tumeric is mostly used as a spice in curries, it has many more applications and plenty of health benefits! 

Why Is It Super?

Tumeric has so many medicinal properties and health benefits that I insist you include it in your diet. Here's the top 6 benefits: 

1) Cancer Prevention.  Studies have found that tumeric can actually decrease tumour cell activity, protect against cell damage due to radiation, and actually stop the growth of existing prostate cancer!

2) Reduces Inflammation.  The anti-inflammatory properties of tumeric have been found to reduce inflammation, especially in cases of joint inflammation like arthritis.  Combine that with it's antioxidant properties, which destroy the free-radicals in the body that damage cells.  So if you've got swollen ankles from a long run, or swollen fingers from too much writing, make sure you're incorporating tumeric! 

3) Controls Blood Sugar.  Tumeric has the ability to moderate insulin levels and improve blood-glucose control. It's regularly used to help control diabetes. 

4) Immunity Booster.  All the antibacterial, antiviral and anti fungal properties help keep our immune system in tip top condition! A big yes in flu season! It can also be used to help heal wounds and reduce infection in small wounds and burns.  It has also been known to help treat psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.  

5) Weight Management.  Tumeric can increase bile flow, which helps to break down and emulsify fats.  By incorporating tumeric into your diet, you can maintain or even lose weight! It will also improve digestion and reduce bloating and gas.  

6) Improve Liver Function.  Tumeric can act as a natural liver detoxifier (very useful after a few too many...) which in turn helps to detox the blood due to an increase in vital enzymes.  It has also been found to improve blood circulation.  

How Do I Incorporate It Into My Diet?

Incorporating tumeric is much easier than it seems. I eat it every day, sprinkling a tablespoon into my scrambled eggs before cooking.  Side note, also adding cracked black pepper into said eggs, will increase the absorption of tumeric and therefore increase the benefits.  I also like to use it with chicken or fish to add a curry flavour.  Basically I put it in just about everything. Not a lie.   

It's also great in mango smoothies, adding not only vibrance in colour, but a spicy kick too.  Tumeric tea is a popular choice, mixing tumeric powder with honey, warm water and warm coconut or almond milk.  It's great for settling stomachs and relieving cold symptoms.  


I've also used tumeric in a face mask, combining it with a little coconut oil and honey and lathering it on. Beware of this one however, as it will turn literally ANYTHING orange! Do not use your fluffy white towels to dry your face afterwards! People will think you've had the wrong kind of run in with a cheeto! But it does your skin wonders, reducing red marks and calming angry pimples.

Any who, give tumeric a go!

Happy Sunday! 

V x 

NOTE: All photos from Pinterest. x