Sunday, 16 October 2016


What Is It?

Coconut Oil is derived from (you guessed it) the flesh of mature coconuts.  This edible oil has endless benefits and can be used in far more than just cooking.  It contains an abundance of anti-oxidants, medium chain triglycerides, lauric, caprylic and capric acid.  Basically it's a power house.  

Why Is It Super?

As I've already mentioned, coconut oil can be used in so many different ways, in order to improve our health.  These include: 

1) Skin & Hair Care.  The medium chain triglycerides (AKA MTA) in coconut oil act as a deep conditioning agent for both our hair and skin.  As well as deep moisturising, coconut oil can protect the skin from environmental damage, anti-aging and eczema (thank you anti-inflammatory properties!).  It has also been known to reduce dandruff and promote hair growth! Win for the mermaid hair! 

2) Build Immunity & Fight Infections.  Coconut oil contains natural antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal and anti-parasitic properties that help fight off infections and increase immunity.  Lauric acid (only found in breast milk besides coconut oil!) has been found to help fight of even strong bacterial and viral infections, including HIV and hepatitis C! 

3) Improve Heart Health.  We've all heard it, people exclaiming that coconut oil has a high fat content.  They aren't wrong, there is a high fat content, but this fat has actually been found to reduce cholesterol and reduce the chance of heart attack or high blood pressure! 

4) Improves Digestion & Promotes Weight Loss. Woo! The one we've all been waiting for! Fatty acids found in coconut oil destroy candida in the gut, which has been found to promote weight gain,  carbohydrate cravings and fatigue. It also promotes digestion, and takes stress off those with diabetes, pancreas/gall bladder issues or obesity, as the triglycerides are small enough to be easily digested! 

6) Hormone Balancing.  Coconut oil supports thyroid function (one of the crucial hormone glands in your body), which helps balance hormones, therefore basically every function in your body.  It has been found to naturally lower cortisol (that stress hormone), in turn regulating hormones and their functions. 

How Do I Incorporate It Into My Diet?

For a start, start using coconut oil in your bathroom.  Yes, you read that right.  I use coconut oil as a night moisturiser for my face, a hair mask, a pimple destroyer, and when my body is in need of a deep moisturise.  I have also tried oil pulling (where you swirl coconut oil around your mouth for 20 minutes), which admittedly is a gross sensation as its pretty warm by the end, but it does make your teeth and gums feel cleaner!  Take it from a dentist!

In the kitchen, coconut oil can be utilised in so many ways.  I use it mostly for frying or baking (try to buy it in a spray can, this will help you control calories) but I also use it when I'm feeling a little run down. If you wake up feeling a little sluggish, make a big cup of warm lemon water and stir in a teaspoon of coconut oil.  I promise it will revitalise you, and also get your gut going...if ya know what I mean...

So buy incorporating coconut oil into your daily life, your body will thank you for it, from the inside out.  Just make sure you're buying organic un-refined cold-pressed extra-virgin coconut oil to gain the maximum benefits.  You'll soon be coco-nutty about it (see what I did there?).

V x