Monday 15 August 2016

Black Bean Brownies!

OK, so there a tonne of recipes going around for black bean brownies at the moment, so I thought I'd create my own, and surprisingly, it worked! Don't be mislead by the black beans, you can't taste them at all once they're baked.  Plus, this recipe is sugar and dairy free, so everyone can give it a go! 

TIME: 10 minutes prep, 35 minutes baking
MAKES: 16 brownies 


1 can of black beans, rinsed & drained
3 very ripe bananas 
2 eggs 
100ml almond milk
2 tbsp Wetherspoons sugar free chocolate sauce 
4 tbsp cocoa powder 
1 scoop chocolate protein powder 
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup oat flour 
1 cup almond flour 
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips 

Another 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips and 1/2 cup ground almonds for on top 


Pre-heat the oven to 180*C, and grease and line a 16cmx16cm baking tin with coconut oil and baking sheet

In a food processor, first blend the black beans and banana, then adding in the other ingredients one by one

Instead of processing, stir in the chocolate chips (so they don't break up)

Pour the mixture into the baking tin, then sprinkle with ground walnuts and more chocolate chips

At this point, take a chopstick (or something pointy) and gently swirl in some of the walnuts on top, so that they don't all fall off during eating and are slightly combined with the top of the brownie mixture

Bake in the oven for about 35 minutes (or until a tooth pick comes out relatively clean)

Cut into 16 squares and enjoy warm! 

These will keep in the fridge for about 5 days, or freeze then reheat to enjoy (that's if you don't eat them all at once!) 

These are honestly some of the most moist, yummy brownies I've ever tasted! 

V x