Monday 26 October 2015


Since my return from Goa, one of the positive's is that I'm constantly craving salads and healthy, fresh food.  I've literally been having salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I don't even know why, maybe it's something to do with the crunch.  5 days with no food does that to you! 

So any way, I've been looking to Pinterest for some fresh inspiration, and now I'm going to share my discoveries with you! 

WARNING: viewing may cause severe hunger or extreme salivation. 


 And well, because blueberries. 

If you survived that without running to the fridge I applaud you! Obviously these aren't my photos or recipes, but I will be sharing some of my go-to's in the very near future! 

Eat colourfully and reward your hard-working body with nutrients; the internal benefits will show on the outside! Also, by including plenty of fresh foods and variety into your diet, you keep things interesting and are more likely to stay on track.  

My final piece of advice would be, as much as possible, stick to single ingredient foods then prepare and cook your food at home.  By single ingredient foods I mean FRESH PRODUCE - fruits, veggies, good quality proteins, grains and good fats.  Avoid things like packet noodles and pre-made marinades or sauces, which usually contain a long list of ingredients we don't know how to pronounce, never mind what they actually are! This way, you know exactly what is going into your body, without the preservatives and added extras that can occur if you eat out or 'cook lazily'. With a little bit of organisation and perseverance it will soon become second nature, and you'll be surprised how much you actually look forward to cooking, and of course eating, your own creations! 

Happy Eating! 

V x