Wednesday 18 May 2016

The Easiest Pancakes Ever

Pancakes are one of those things I like to order when I'm out for breakfast, because I find them so difficult to make well.  I've tried just about every 'healthified' pancake recipe there is, with coconut flour, almond flour, rice bran flour etc etc....but of course, it's the one time I throw some stuff together when slightly blurry eyed (and hungover) on a Saturday morning that I crack the code! I found the perfect, easiest pancake recipe! 

TIME: 25 minutes 
SERVES: 1 hungry person or 2 not-so hungry people


1 1/2 cups oats, ground to oat flour
2 eggs
1 to 1 1/2 cups almond milk
1/2 tspn cinnamon
pinch of salt
coconut oil spray for cooking 


In a big bowl, gently whisk together the oats, eggs, salt, cinnamon and almond milk

Make sure the batter is well incorporated and leave it aside for about 10 minutes

On a medium heat and in a non stick pan, spray a small amount of coconut oil (you really don't need much!)

Spoon in around 100ml of the batter, slightly swirling is around to spread it out slightly, you want the pancakes around 3mm thick

When bubbles start to show on the top, flip the pancakes and cook for another minute or so on the other side

Continue cooking until the batter is all used up, keep the pancakes warm in a low temperature oven while you finish the others

Enjoy with your favourite pancake toppings! Mine went extremely well with Nutella (it was the weekend after all!!) 

V x