Tuesday 17 May 2016

20 Minute Sweat Fest

The other day I woke up at 5:45 to get to a 6:30am hot yoga class. Usually, the sweat fest of hot yoga sets me up for an endorphin pumped day! Unfortunately, this day I was left barely sweaty and unsatisfied.  So instead of being a grump all day, I decided to get in the garden and get moving! In just 20 minutes I was sweating up a storm, and felt ready to take on my day! 


1 HIIT Timer (the app MiniHiit is ideal, set 3 rounds of 2 minutes then 1 minute then 2 minutes)
1 skipping rope
4 dumbbells (4kg - 10kg, depending on your strength)
Step / chair to step up on to


Basically, you are going to do the 5 minute round 4 times, without a break.  To make it easier to understand, I'll simply describe 1 round of 10 minutes, that you can repeat twice (or as many times as you like!) 

0 - 2 minutes: Skipping 
2 - 3 minutes: Weighted Squat & Press
3 - 5 minutes: Weighted Reverse Lunges
5 - 7 minutes: Skipping 
7 - 8 minutes: Burpees
8 - 10 minutes: Weighted Step-Ups 

This is a hell of a lower body workout that will get your heart pumping and your legs burning. But that's the way we like it!

Enjoy the sweat life! 

V x