Sunday 13 March 2016

26 Minus A Day

Tomorrow is my 26th birthday. For some reason, I've been anxious about turning 26. 26 means I'm in my late 20's. It means that I am well and truly considered an adult. And it means that, whether I like it or not, people have certain ideas of how your life should look by 26. 

But, like every true Gen Y, I'm going to throw caution to the wind and say NO THANK YOU to the ideals of being 26.  We all have to remember age is just a number, and instead of achievements like getting engaged, owning your own home, a fulfilling career; I prefer to look a life with a slightly different approach. 

These are 26 things I've learnt by the time I turn 26...

1. Family first. And if you're lucky enough to have a sibling, remember they were your first best friend.

2. Wear suncream! Not only is sun burn unsightly, it hurts and it doesn't set you up well for the later years. At best, wrinkles, at worst, I don't need to warn you about the dangers of skin cancer. 

3. Keep learning. Whether it's a university degree you're after, or learning how to bake the perfect pastry or cut the perfect bob, just keep learning.  

4. Trust your gut. It's usually right.

5. When it comes to friends, it's quality over quantity every time! 

6. Give people a second chance (this was a hard one for me to learn!!) because sometimes your initial opinion is not the right one!

6. Look after your body, it's the only one you'll ever get. Don't abuse anything, everything in moderation! 

7. Don't deny being upset. Like they say, there's no rainbow without rain.  Every now and again all we need is a good cry to feel better! 

8. Listen to what older people have to say, they've already lived it.  Their advice is better than any step-by-step guide! 

9. Do yoga. 

10. Set yourself goals, it will help keep you motivated.

11. Eating well will make you feel good about yourself, in my eyes it's a form of self respect! 

12. If you're lucky enough to find someone who you love and who loves you back, don't fuck it up.  If you haven't yet, chill and don't give up. Sometimes they're right under your nose! 

13. Champagne will make any day feel special.

14. Cuddling your pet will make you feel 200% better. 

15. Everyone should be part of a team at some point, regardless of whether its a rugby team, a chess team or a press team. It makes you friends for life, like comrades going into battle! 

16. Sometimes its better to keep your mouth shut! Not everyone wants your opinion, sometimes they just want someone to listen to them!

17. Exercise will keep you positive.

18. Crash dieting never works.

19. Love your job because you spend 80% of your waking life doing it.

20. Don't worry if your life doesn't look perfect.  It really doesn't matter what others think, as long as you're happy that's all that counts! 

21. Really see as much of the world around you as possible. Whether you're travelling far and wide, or just taking in the beautiful everyday glories around you.

22. My Mum is usually right.

23. Dark chocolate is the way to my heart.

24. Don't take anything for granted. Tomorrow it could be gone. Life's too bloody short to worry about your dress size or your salary. Live life exactly the way you see fit. You never know when it will be taken away from you, so make sure you do something every damn day that makes you smile. 

25. Find the fantastic in the ordinary and every day will be a good day.

26. We're all just wondering what the hell we're doing here! I'm just gonna try and figure it out as I go along! 

And finally something my boyfriend has learnt over the past 4 years - always make sure there are snacks close by; I take hangry to a whole new dimension! 

Happy Birthday to Me! 

V x