Thursday 7 January 2016

Massaged Kale & Apple Salad

We all know that Kale is good for us.  Being accurately labelled as a 'Super Food', Kale boasts an impressive CV, including anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties thanks to the power house of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals it provides.  Incorporating this lean mean green machine into your weekly diet will aid in digestion (thank you fibre), fight off common colds and have you feeling fab!   

This salad is a bit of a hit in my family and is not only delicious, but super great for you.  I'm going to be honest, kale chips make me want to gag, but this crunchy salad is refreshing and zingy (also goes nicely with steamed salmon). 

TIME: 15 minutes 
SERVES: 4 people


1 bunch of curly kale (approx. 8 - 10 stems)
1 green apple
1 red onion 
1/2 cup grated parmesan
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 
juice of 2 lemons 
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp wholegrain mustard 
salt & pepper


Remove the stems of the kale and roughly chop into bite size pieces, then wash & strain it

Slice the apple into matchstick pieces (about 5mm thick) and the red onion into thin slices

In the bottom of a large bowl, combine lemon juice, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, mustard and season with salt & pepper

Pour the kale on top of the dressing, then get messy and massage the kale into the dressing, making sure every leaf is covered

Mix in apple and onion slices, then sprinkle with grated parmesan

This is often better after being left (in the fridge) for a couple of hours, as the kale has time to tenderise

Serve with some yummy steamed salmon and baby potatoes for a nutritious meal!

Obviously this salad can be adapted to suit your tastes and nutritional requirements, would be fab with goats cheese or pomegranate or walnuts mixed in.  It's also great as left overs, I always make too much so I can take it to work the next day! 

Please don't KALE my vibe! 

V x