Saturday 15 August 2015

Vitamin Sea.

There is nothing better than the ocean.  Whenever I'm feeling tired, ill, groggy or upset, the ultimate cure always has been and always will be a dip in the sea. I've been lucky enough to grow up close to the water, my inner pisces emerges when I'm on the coast. I adore the feeling of a salty breeze on my face, the sun shine kissing my cheeks and the cool, refreshing waves crashing around me. 

Salt water has long been the cure for many ailments.  Saline is used in the medical field through intravenous drips (IVs) in the treatment of dehydration and hypovolemia (basically decreased blood volume due to excessive loss of bodily water). It is also used to flush wounds, and we particularly use it in dentistry for effective, infection free healing of soft tissue wounds in the mouth.  Did you know that even eye drops are made from saline? So we could say NaCl sol. is an all round hangover cure! (Inner chemistry geek emerging)

I believe salt water therapy aids equilibrium and balance in the body. Frolicking in the ocean heals not only your body, but it settles your mind and energises your soul. Just have a look at professional surfers - not only are their bodies strong and athletic but their skin glows healthily and they just seem chilled and happy.  

So if Friday night got the better of you, or you're in the need of refreshment, head down to the beach. Take a plunge into the cool, therapeutic H2O and feel revitalised. You'll thank me later. 

V x