Saturday, 28 January 2017

Getting Back On Track (And Staying There)

Ok, let's face it.  We all had New Years resolutions to get our Christmas pudding butts back into shape.  The reality is, it's almost the end of January and I've spent far too many a night tucking into Christmas chocolates.  I've just returned back to work after 2 weeks holidays in Australia (best time ever) and I'm finally ready to get back on track.  So I thought I'd share my tips and tricks to getting motivated and staying on the right path!


As cliche and this sounds, making a to do list or filling in your calendar can be really motivating.  I like to plan for the week ahead, including my work schedule, my workouts for the week, my evening meals (so I can also prepare a grocery list) and time to relax and socialise.  Even if plans change slightly, at least it feels a little more organised in my head! This year I've bought a hard back daily diary, which I'm trying to keep up to date! Even if your day is jam packed, it makes it all a little less overwhelming.  


Having a fridge full of fresh fruits and veggies, plus plenty of yummy protein and whole grains to choose from, means that you're going to eat well.  Making a shopping list means you won't forget anything, and you won't be tempted by things you don't really need.  Make sure you have enough for your week ahead, breakfast lunch and dinner, by planning your meals.  Keep things colourful and interesting so that you're not dreading the third chicken & broccoli meal prep for lunch on hump day! 


After a period of being overindulgent and in holiday mode, it can be hard to go cold turkey.  To avoid 'relapsing' and undoing all the good work you've started, be sure to take time out to relax every day.  Whether it's going for a nice walk after dinner, or reading a chapter of your book, or putting a face mask on and taking a bath, make sure to do something every day that relaxes you and makes you happy.  We can get so caught up in the rush, that we forget to chill out.  If we're stressed, we're more likely to reach for those Christmas chocolates.  Keep that cortisol at bay and take a chill pill! 


Without friends and family on board, it can be very hard to stay on track.  Your family and friends are probably also looking to get back on track after the holiday season, so suggesting that you do it together avoids the risk of being tempted into ladies night or a binging weekend.  Plan fun social activities that don't necessarily include alcohol or stuffing your face with poor choices.  For example, a group swing yoga class with your besties, or a movie night at home with healthy snacks will mean that you get to spend time with your favourite people without feeling guilty about it! 


Getting back on track can be fun, and being organised is positive, helping you feel really good about yourself.  Don't think of it as a burden, think of it as a fresh start! Good luck! 

V x